Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (2025)

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (1)

This is a Terminus easter egg walkthrough for Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6) Zombies. Read on for a full guide of the Terminus Main Quest and learn how to complete the Terminus easter egg.

Terminus Guides
Easter Egg Interactive Map

List of Contents

  • Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough
  • Unlocking Research Office
  • Solving Research Office Code
  • Crafting the Beamsmasher
  • Releasing Nathan
  • Unlocking the Final Encounter
  • Rewards
  • Related Guides

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough

Unlocking Research Office

The first part of the Terminus Easter Egg Main Quest requires you to build a DRI-11 Beamsmasher Wonder Weapon, but the process to do so is quite lengthy. If you've managed to acquire the Beamsmasher randomly via Mystery Box, you can skip the next 17 steps and jump to Releasing Nathan.

1 Restore Facility Power

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (2)

You restore facility power by turning on 3 AMP Generators in the (1) Guard Station, (2) Living Quarters, and (3) Bio Lab. You need to protect the AMP Generator for 30 seconds as it powers up.

If you fail to protect it, you'll have to wait for the next round before it cools down and you can try again.

2 Resurface the Inclined Lift

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (3)

After succesffuly powering the AMP generator in the bio lab, you have to dive towards the submerged inclined lift, then raise it. After raising it above the water, you'll unlock the access to the lift and Terminus' Pack-a-Punch machine.
3 Acquire Dead Wire Ammo Mod

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (4)

Go to the Arsenal Machine (there's one nearby inside the Bio Lab) and acquire the Dead Wire Ammo Mod for your gun for 500 Salvage. Tip: One of the bosses later on is weak to Dead Wire Ammo Mod, so it'd be good if this was the gun you kept throughout your whole playthrough.
4 Power the 3 Circuit Breakers

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (5)

With the Dead Wire Ammo Mod, you need to power 3 Circuit Breakers around the area of the inclined lift. You have to shoot them in order. However, Circuit Breakers #1 and #2 are only visible while the lift is moving.

Circuit Breaker #1 is found inside the window when facing north. Circuit Breaker #2 is outside but it's easier to shoot it when the lift is going down since it gets covered by the lift when you're going up.

Tip: Also recommended to do the Void Cannon Meteor Easter Egg simultaneously at this point for free Ammo Mods, Equipment, and maybe a Wonder Weapon.
5 Power Circuit Breaker #4

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (6)

After shooting Circuit Breaker #3, an electrical current should run to Circuit Breaker #4 in the Living Quarters, the room of the 2nd AMP Generator (the room with the Jugger-Nog machine). Shoot it as well.
6 Power Circuit Breaker #5

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (7)

Head out west to the Rec Yard. Shoot the Circuit Breaker #5 on the wall of the Living Quarters in order to open the door to its left.
7 Acquire the EMF FOB

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In the unlocked room, there's a zombie pinned under the machine. Eliminate the zombie to pick up the EMF FOB.

Solving Research Office Code

8 Find X Coordinates
Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (9)Afterward, head to the Docks below the Sea Tower. You'll find a computer marked with the letter X. Interact with it, even if an interact prompt doesn't appear. A symbol will appear on the screen, but you don't need to memorize that since it will appear again later.
9 Find Y Coordinates
Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (10)Go to the Storage Area to next find a computer marked with the letter Y. This area is north of the Rec Yard and south of the Interrogation Rooms (the room with the Quick Revive machine in it). Similarly, interact with the computer.
10 Find Z Coordinates
Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (11) Finally, head to Communications for the computer marked with Z. This is south of the room with the Speed Cola machine. Interact with this computer as well.
11 Obtain the Multiphasic Resonator
Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (12)Afterward, head to the Sea Tower and open the case with a severed hand attached to it. Pick up the Multiphasic Resonator inside. You'll be attacked by a bunch of Vermin after.
12 Go Back to Research Office

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (13)

Next, go back to the Research Office with all these parts and interact with the computer. You'll need to input a code.
13 Research Office Code Solution

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (14)

The Research Office code is random every time. To get the 3-number code, you need to do some symbol association and algebra.

The post-it notes and the left whiteboard help you determine what number X, Y, and Z correspond to. Simply find the symbol on the whiteboard and determine the number's first digit through the numbers listed vertically and the number's second digit through the numbers listed horizontally at the bottom. (ex. 1st digit = 1, 2nd digit = 0, your number = 10).

Once you know what X, Y, and Z are, input them in the formulas on the right side (make sure to follow PEMDAS) to get the 3 numbers that'll make up the code. If you're number is a negative integer, just place the absolute value (same number without the negative).

▶︎ Terminus Math Puzzle Calculator HOT

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (15)

Alternatively, if you don't want to do math, you can spend 5,000 Essence to simply be given the number by Peck at the Guard Station.

Crafting the Beamsmasher

14 Head to the Coordinates on the Islands

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (16)

After inputting the code, you'll have to wait till the next round for the coordinates to lock onto the next area.

The computer will lock onto one of the 3 islands outside the main Terminus island: Castle Rock Island, Crab Island, and Temple Island. Wherever it locks onto, head there via boat.

Be sure to take the Multiphasic Resonator from on top of the computer before you do.

15 Power Up 3 Island Orbs

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (17)

At the 1st island, you'll encounter an orb. Interact with it even an interact prompt doesn't appear. This will trigger waves of zombies to spawn. Some zombies will be glow the color of the orb. Eliminate these zombies and they'll drop mini-orbs. Pick up the mini-orb (via the interact button) and carry it to the main orb.

Do this 3 times and the orb will drop the Multiphasic Resonator for you to pick up. Afterward, repeat the same process on the next 2 islands.

16 Craft the Beamsmasher

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (18)

The last orb will drop an item called AMP Munition. You'll use this to craft the DRI-11 Beamsmasher back at the Research Office.

In Squads, after crafting the Beamsmasher, make sure not to fully die before doing the next step, since you lose your Wonder Weapons when you die.

Releasing Nathan

17 Obtain the Hard Drive

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (19)

Go down to the Bio Lab and look for the destroyed vent where a Tentacle Trap should be. There are 2 Tentacle Traps in the Bio Lab and 1 in the Living Quarters.

Activate the Tentacle Trap, then shoot the tentacles with your Beamsmasher. It will drop a Hard Drive afterward.

▶︎ All Trap Locations
18 Bring the Hard Drive to Peck

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (20)

Bring the Hard Drive to Peck at the Guard Station. He'll tell you to go back to the Bio Lab and talk to Nathan.
19 Identify Nathan's Passcode

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (21)

Before heading down to Nathan, it'd be good to already find out what the passcode would be to release him. To find that out, you have to check out the (1) clock in the Interrogation Rooms, (2) the card on the corkboard in the Mess Hall, and (3) Days Since Last Accident poster in Engineering. Those random numbers will be the passcode to release Nathan later on.
20 Talk to Nathan and Input Code

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (22)

Talk to Nathan in the middle chamber in the Bio Lab. After his dialogue, you can input the numbers you learned above.
21 Release Nathan

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (23)

After inputting the code, you have to turn the valves to release him. If you're in a squad, you have to turn the valves simultaneously to release him.▶︎ Nathan Boss Guide
22 Defeat Nathan

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (24)

Pack-a-Punch 3 against Nathan shreds, but PaP 2 is also fine. Prepare Cymbal Monkeys, at least 2-Plate armor, and Self-Revives. The most important bit about this fight is that Nathan regenerates health, so don't focus on shooting zombies the whole time. Use the Cymbal Monkeys to lure them away while you focus on defeating Nathan.

Other good items to have include Mutant Injection and Dead Wire Ammo Mod, as mentioned previously, since Nathan is weak to it.

Unlocking the Final Encounter

23 Retrieve the Key Card

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (25)

After defeating Nathan and the cutscene, jump into the water after the cutscene and pick up the Key Card somewhere. It's not at a set location every time.
24 Go to the Shipwreck

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (26)

Afterward, head to the Shipwreck and enter the hole in the middle via boat. Be careful not to lure the Tentacle's poison cloud attack. There will also be parasites in the hole in the middle.
25 Enter the Shipwreck

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (27)

Enter through the hatch with the ladder using the Key Car.
26 Survive Waves of Zombies Inside Shipwreck

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (28)

Interact with the Node Connector, then you'll get locked in the room. You'll need to fight off waves of zombies coming from 4 windows during this event. A Sentry Gun would be good for this, as well as Cymbal Monkeys and Decoy Grenades.
27 Pick Up and Place Node Connectors

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (29)

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (30)

Afterward, pick up the Node Connector and bring them to the 2 damaged nodes found in the Sea Cave and the Crab Island. However, you can only pick up one at a time, so if you're a Solo, you'll need to go back to the ship after connecting one.
28 Obtain the Hacking Device

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (31)

After the dialogue, you'll need to go back to Peck at the Guard Station and get the Hacking Device.
29 Hack Sattelite Buoys (Timed Trial)

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (32)

Make sure you're all prepared for this next part, as it's a timed trial. You'll have to find 3 satellite buoys floating; (1) east of Crab Island, (2) at the submerged part of the Ship Wreck, (3) west of Temple Island. Interact with the buoys and hold to begin Hacking Signal. You can either be standing on the boat or in the water in order to interact.

You only have 2 minutes to hack the last 2 after finishing the first one.

30 Prevent Bomb Detonation at Bio Lab (Fatal Timed Trial)

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (33)

Immediately after you'll have 5 minutes to head back to the Bio Lab and stop the bomb detonation by interacting with the 3 devices. If you fail this, you lose the game.
31 Unlock the Final Encounter

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If you're successful, the Final Encounter will be available to you in the Bio Lab. This will be a boss fight with the Patient 13 Tentacle monster.
32 Patient 13 Boss Fight

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (35)

The Final Encounter is extremely challenging, so it's best to go into it with: Pack-a-Punch 3 Gold- or Wonder Weapon-rarity weapons, Chopper Gunner, Self-Revive, at least 10,000 Essence (for ammo refill), any 3 useful GobbleGums, and the following Perks: Jugger-Nog, Stamin-Up, Speed Cola, Deadshot Daiquiri, and Quick Revive (if Squads).▶︎ Patient 13 Boss Fight Guide

Terminus Easter Egg Rewards

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (36)Trophy Collector Maya
Operator Skin
Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (37)No Mo' Modi
5,000 XP

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (38)

Terminus Quest Complete (Standard) Calling Card

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (39)

Terminus Quest Complete (Early) Calling Card (if you completed the Terminus Easter Egg prior to Guided Mode's release)
If You Choose "Continue"
Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (40)Wonder Weapons Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (41)Random Legendary Weapons Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (42)Aetherium Crystals
(Pack-a-Punch 1, 2, or 3)
Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (43)Bonus Points Power-Up Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (44)Random Ammo Mods Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (45)Salvage
Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (46)Random Aether Tool Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (47)All Perks Acquired

Black Ops 6 (BO6) Related Guides

Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (48)

Zombies Guide: Everything You Need to Know

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Zombies Easter Eggs

Main Quest Easter Egg Walkthroughs
Liberty Falls Easter Egg Terminus Easter Egg
Liberty Falls Easter Eggs
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Terminus Easter Eggs
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Terminus Easter Egg Walkthrough (Updated) | Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)|Game8 (2025)
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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.