EmacsWiki: Eshell Completion (2025)

Eshell completion can be activated inline by usual with TAB, and M-TAB. Also, pcomplete is available with C-c TAB and it shows a separate side-buffer with all completions listed.

Other completion libraries can also be used. For instace, CompanyMode (and CompanyBox) provides an inline suggestion and completion; fish-completion adds completing strings from the Fish shell; and esh-autosuggest provides inline suggestions as gray text of the first completing string found.

The default Eshell library to provide completion is the em-cmpl.el. It defines the ‘eshell-cmp-mode’ minor mode with the following keymaps:

C-c TABpcomplete-expand-and-complete
C-c SPCpcomplete-expand
C-c M-heshell-completion-help


Eshell offers you completion of filenames. If several filenames are possible, the most recently modified file will be used first.

This is determined by ‘eshell-cmpl-compare-entry-function’ and defaults to ‘file-newer-than-file-p’. The idea is that once you start working with a certain file, you will want it to appear first in your completion list.

Here’s some untested code to reverse this order, and to take ‘completion-ignored-extensions’ into account.

 (setq eshell-cmpl-compare-entry-function (function(lambda (left right) (let ((exts completion-ignored-extensions) found) (while exts (if (string-match (concat "\\" (car exts) "$") right) (setq found t exts nil)) (setq exts (cdr exts))) (if foundnil (file-newer-than-file-p left right))))))

Contributors: KaiGrossjohann, JohnWiegley

Remote Files

If I want to change directory to /scratch, then pressing TAB after typing “cd /sc” leads to TrampMode trying to open a connection. This is because the tramp-completion-file-name-handler entry in file-name-handler-alist leads to:

 (file-name-all-completions "sc" "/") => ("scpx:" "scp2_old:" "scp1_old:" "scp2:" "scp1:" "scp:" "scratch/")

and pcomplete tries to run file-directory-p on all these entries.

One way to avoid this is to use the following:

 (defadvice pcomplete (around avoid-remote-connections activate) (let ((file-name-handler-alist (copy-alist file-name-handler-alist))) (setq file-name-handler-alist (delete (rassoc 'tramp-completion-file-name-handler file-name-handler-alist) file-name-handler-alist)) ad-do-it))

Note that completion of “cd su::” still works because this is handled by tramp-file-name-handler.

Perhaps there are better ways of doing this? – Matt Hodges

Subcommand completions

In default subcommands are not completed, so I make the completion functions for the commands (systemctl, sudo, man) which have subcommands. Completion functions have the corresponding commands’ names.

;;;; sudo completion(defun pcomplete/sudo () "Completion rules for the `sudo' command." (let ((pcomplete-ignore-case t)) (pcomplete-here (funcall pcomplete-command-completion-function)) (while (pcomplete-here (pcomplete-entries)))));;;; systemctl completion(defcustom pcomplete-systemctl-commands '("disable" "enable" "status" "start" "restart" "stop" "reenable" "list-units" "list-unit-files") "p-completion candidates for `systemctl' main commands" :type '(repeat (string :tag "systemctl command")) :group 'pcomplete)(defvar pcomplete-systemd-units (split-string (shell-command-to-string "(systemctl list-units --all --full --no-legend;systemctl list-unit-files --full --no-legend)|while read -r a b; do echo \" $a\";done;")) "p-completion candidates for all `systemd' units")(defvar pcomplete-systemd-user-units (split-string (shell-command-to-string "(systemctl list-units --user --all --full --no-legend;systemctl list-unit-files --user --full --no-legend)|while read -r a b;do echo \" $a\";done;")) "p-completion candidates for all `systemd' user units")(defun pcomplete/systemctl () "Completion rules for the `systemctl' command." (pcomplete-here (append pcomplete-systemctl-commands '("--user"))) (cond ((pcomplete-test "--user") (pcomplete-here pcomplete-systemctl-commands) (pcomplete-here pcomplete-systemd-user-units)) (t (pcomplete-here pcomplete-systemd-units))));;;; man completion(defvar pcomplete-man-user-commands (split-string (shell-command-to-string "apropos -s 1 .|while read -r a b; do echo \" $a\";done;")) "p-completion candidates for `man' command")(defun pcomplete/man () "Completion rules for the `man' command." (pcomplete-here pcomplete-man-user-commands))

Completed subcommands on systemctl are set disable, enable, status, start, restart, stop, but if needed, you can add other subcommands.



If I set my own prompt, like this:

 (setq eshell-prompt-function (lambda () (concat "[" (user-login-name) "@" (system-name) " " (eshell/pwd) "]" (if (= (user-uid) 0) "# " "$ "))))

completion stops working. When I press tab, I get the message “Text is read-only”. Can anyone explain this? – bkhl

This happens because you haven’t modified eshell-prompt-regexp accordingly (see the documentation for eshell-prompt-function). This should work:
 (setq eshell-prompt-regexp "^[^#$\n]*[#$] ")
See EshellFunctions for more examples. – MattHodges

Ok, thanks. I like pcomplete-list better than the completion cycling. I tried this:

 (add-hook 'eshell-mode-hook '(lambda () (define-key eshell-mode-map "\t" 'pcomplete-list)))

but it doesn’t work. How should this be done properly? – bkhl

I use:
 (setq eshell-cmpl-cycle-completions nil)
to avoid completion cycling. – MattHodges


I use the amazing AutoComplete package for completion. Eshell provides completion through the ProgrammableCompletion package. I did not found a suitable auto-complete source for pcomplete, so I use the following code:

(defun ac-pcomplete () ;; eshell uses `insert-and-inherit' to insert a \t if no completion ;; can be found, but this must not happen as auto-complete source (flet ((insert-and-inherit (&rest args))) ;; this code is stolen from `pcomplete' in pcomplete.el (let* (tramp-mode ;; do not automatically complete remote stuff (pcomplete-stub) (pcomplete-show-list t) ;; inhibit patterns like * being deleted pcomplete-seen pcomplete-norm-func pcomplete-args pcomplete-last pcomplete-index (pcomplete-autolist pcomplete-autolist) (pcomplete-suffix-list pcomplete-suffix-list) (candidates (pcomplete-completions)) (beg (pcomplete-begin)) ;; note, buffer text and completion argument may be ;; different because the buffer text may bet transformed ;; before being completed (e.g. variables like $HOME may be ;; expanded) (buftext (buffer-substring beg (point))) (arg (nth pcomplete-index pcomplete-args))) ;; we auto-complete only if the stub is non-empty and matches ;; the end of the buffer text (when (and (not (zerop (length pcomplete-stub))) (or (string= pcomplete-stub ; Emacs 23 (substring buftext (max 0 (- (length buftext) (length pcomplete-stub))))) (string= pcomplete-stub ; Emacs 24 (substring arg (max 0 (- (length arg) (length pcomplete-stub))))))) ;; Collect all possible completions for the stub. Note that ;; `candidates` may be a function, that's why we use ;; `all-completions`. (let* ((cnds (all-completions pcomplete-stub candidates)) (bnds (completion-boundaries pcomplete-stub candidates nil "")) (skip (- (length pcomplete-stub) (car bnds)))) ;; We replace the stub at the beginning of each candidate by ;; the real buffer content. (mapcar #'(lambda (cand) (concat buftext (substring cand skip))) cnds))))))(defvar ac-source-pcomplete '((candidates . ac-pcomplete)))(add-hook 'eshell-mode-hook #'(lambda () (setq ac-sources '(ac-source-pcomplete))))(add-to-list 'ac-modes 'eshell-mode)


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Last edited 2024-12-15 20:05 UTC by ChristianGiménez (diff)

EmacsWiki: Eshell Completion (1)

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EmacsWiki: Eshell Completion (2025)
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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.