This page contains the messages put onto the BSN Stereo Chat Boardduring August 1, 1999 and August 4-31, 1999. The archives from August 2 to August 3 have beenlost. The messages are in chronological order from first to last. To search for specific topics, usethe"find" utility on your browser. For a search of the complete archives, please go to the Stereo Chat Board Archives Main Page.
Name: beetlefan
Website: was under construction
From: AZ
Time: 1999-08-01 00:13:46
Comments: Hi everybody,I can't seem to find the 45 RPM single edit of the Eagles' "Lyin' Eyes". I want to recreate the single editfrom the DCC Classics gold disc of "Their Greatest Hits" using the single as a model. If anyone has thissingle, could you make an mp3 of it and e-mail it to me? I would really appreciate it.Thanks, in advance.
Name: beetlefan
From: I dunno
Time: 1999-08-01 02:03:59
Comments: Gee, i'm a one man forum these days! Does anyone know where I can find "You Can't Sit Down" by Bill Dogget on CD? It was released in theearly sixties on Warner Brothers and was a two partsingle.
From: Baton Rouge
Time: 1999-08-01 09:37:58
Comments: beetlefan: Sorry I can't help you locate a source for Bill Doggett's version of YCSD, which was a new oneon me! I imagine that it's a lot like Phil Upchurch's 1961 version, or did Upchurch copy Bill's? As for itbeing a 1-man chat board, I've often noticed that contributions drop off on weekends.
To CharlieBrown & others looking for OOP CDs from Capitol's Legendary Masters Series: I was out yesterdayafternoon trying to find some of the elusive disks on my own Want List, and stumbled across a VERYFEW of the Legendary Masters titles in my local used stores. As hard as these are to find, I will be happyto pick any of these up and send them on to you; just e-mail me. The titles I saw were: Ricky NelsonVolume 2, The Isley Brothers, and Johnny Rivers' 2-on-one collection of the material from two of his livealbums. I checked all three of these out, and I would describe them as Mint. That's it -- these rarely showup in the local stores, here, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if this were true in other parts of the countrytoo.
The latest issue of Positive Feedback magazine arrived in yesterday's mail too. These guys havejumped on the DSD bandwagon, with 2 interviews -- one with an engineer at Sony, the other with EdMeitner who has been on the audio engineering scene for the past several decades. These 2 guys paintand extremely rosy picture for the future of digital audio. The articles are only somewhat technical, andshould be accessible to anyone who's interested with even a scant bit of knowledge of the science ofelectronics and sound. Their magazine can be found in most Barnes & Noble bookstores.
Name: BradleyOlson
Website: Bradley Olson--APerson With Autism
From: Bemidji, Minnesota
Time: 1999-08-01 20:55:26
Comments: The other disc from the Legendary Masters Series I was able to get at a clearance price from ColumbiaHouse on was the Ventures' "Walk-Don't Run: The Best Of..." compilation which is a great collection oftheir hits. It does have great soundtoo.
Archives from 8-2-99 to 8-3-99 lost.
Name: graham
From: san jose
Time: 1999-08-04 23:27:18
Comments: Hi just got the 2cd set by the skyliners featuring Jimmy Beaumont, sounds excellent. I like specialy theouttakes.Also got Jimmy Clanton's "Jimmy's Tunes". Sounds great but dissapointed that "Venus in Blue Jeans"aint on it. Also got Bobby Vee's EMI's double CD (50 songs)the best of em all. But bad news. Got the"Peter Paul, and Mary" 4 CD Readers Digest greatest hits with solo stuff. Very Very GOOD. But went toSanta Cruz beach this week end with it and now I cant find PPM's greatest hits!! I'm Bummed.
Name: Steve Elders
From: Orange, CA
Time: 1999-08-05 01:08:45
Comments: To anyone connected with Varese: Can you tell me if any of the following songs are on the comingWhite Whale disc? "The Lights of Night" by Deni Lynn, "No Sugar Tonight" by Steel Wool, "Friends" byFeather, and "A Broken Man" by the Malibu's. All of these singles charted on KHJ in Los Angeles in1968-70.
Time: 1999-08-05 01:53:18
Comments: Just got a computer and not sure if it will work, but here goes nothing. Enjoyed the archives, but whathappened to the entries for August 1998 to August 1999? Someone last year asked about the JohnnySea hit "DAY FOR DECISION". It's on a cd called American Reflections, on Lost OldiesRecords,LGR4339, from Collector's Choice. It's rather pricy, for one hit song, but it is the original lp, andin nice sounding stereo.
Time: 1999-08-05 21:37:06
Comments: Does anyone know where I can find the Doors's cd single with the single version of Light My Fire and thestereo version of the Rolling Stones's It's All Over Now. I Know that the Stones hit appeared on the earlyEuropean cd's, but I waited too long and never got it. Also, are the first four Beatles albums still availableon cd anywhere in stereo, such as from Japan. I Just got the Collector's Choice release of DavidHouston's Greatest Hits. It's just what the doctor ordered, with all of his Top 10 country hits, with 23 ofthe 24 tracks in stereo. The only mono hit is Mountain Of Love (not the rock song) and I'm still wonderinghow that song ever became a hit in the first place. If you like David Houston, it's a "must-have". ThanksMike and Brenda for giving us this forum. It's great!
Name: beetlefan
From: AZ
Time: 1999-08-05 22:22:04
Comments: John R Preston: I have the Doors CD single. I can't part with it but I can send it to you. E-mail me.A couple of years ago I read in Billboard, or maybe even in BSN, I think, where an Italian companyreleased the first four Beatles CD's in stereo.
Name: Ray Duke
From: San Antonio
Time: 1999-08-06 04:28:14
Comments: I play in a band with Bobby Rey, who produced "Image of a Girl" for the Safaris, he says there was nevera stereo mix made-he's not sure who has the tapes now, will try to find out and maybe someone cantake it from there!
Name: LukePacholski
From: Racine, WI
Time: 1999-08-06 14:17:39
Comments: John, re: For the info about the Stones tracks, see my website - I've got info on where to find them,notes, etc... On a similar subject - Cream. A few notes. First of all, I noticed in the notes to the box setthat the backing track to I Feel Free (if not the other Fresh Cream tracks) was recorded across 4 tracksof a 4 track machine, which was then mixed down to a mono tape, which was then copied to another 4track to be overdubbed. If that's the case and the tapes still exist, somebody should be able to do a syncup ala Pet Sounds for a better stereo mix... Also, it's been widely regarded that the Disraeli Gears multiswent down in the Atlantic Fire. However, on the box we have an outtake of Lawdy Mama (*not* theStrange Brew clone, found on Live Cream). Do the tapes actually exist, or was this a fluke? It would surebe nice to hear that material remixed, as it's really quite hissy.
Name: JoeReynolds
From: Los Angeles
Time: 1999-08-06 20:40:01
Comments: Looking for a couple of mid-60's medium size hits from actor/singer Noel Harrison, "A Young Girl" from'65 and "Suzanne" from '67. Anyone seen these appear on CD???
Name: BradleyOlson
Website: Bradley Olson--APerson With Autism
From: Bemidji, Minnesota
Time: 1999-08-07 10:47:22
Comments: Joe, Noel Harrison's "Suzanne" has appeared on the VA compilations "Wow! (At Last Volume 2") andMemory Lane/Time Volge 5 (1966-1967). A Young Girl has appeared on the VA compilation "World Hitsand Memories 1969" all out of print. GEMM and/or eBay may help you obtain these CD's
Name: David Clark
From: Ottawa
Time: 1999-08-07 16:18:49
Comments: "A Young Girl" also appeared on a VA CD up here in Canada. From Polytel, it's called "The One AndOnly 60's Album". It also contains a few other hard-to-find-on-CD tracks, such as "Life And Death In G &A" by Abaco Dream, "I Was Kaiser Bill's Batman" by Whistling Jack Smith and "Here It Comes Again"The Fortunes, all in stereo.
Name: BarryCashion
From: Mooresville, NC
Time: 1999-08-08 14:42:24
Comments: Hi gang... I was just wondering if, by any chance, any of you have heard anything recently aboutwhether Varese is planning to continue the "On The Radio" series? I've emailed Dick Bartley ANDSteve Massie AND Varese, with no response from any of them. I don't think they're intentionally ignoringme; I know they're all very busy people... I do hope that some more volumes are in the works; there areSO many more original 45 versions (possibly in stereo), DJ edits, etc. that would be good to have forcompleteness' sake, such as some of the Chicago and Moody Blues singles, for example, and the 45version of the Poppy Family's "Which Way You Goin', Billy", which I believe was a unique mix and/or editand faded later than the LP cut. The stereo "Next Plane To London" by the Rose Garden would be nicetoo. I've also been hoping for the true original 45 version of the Doors' "Light My Fire"; most of the shortversions I've heard lately just sound like the LP cut was edited once, in the obvious spot; actually theoriginal 45 master also had a second edit pretty soon after the first. I don't know if this 45 version wasdone in stereo or in mono only, but I remember once seeing a gold-and-black label 45 of it which saidsomething to the effect of "stereo/mono compatible" on the label. I would be happy to get it either way;the stereo is great, but that original mono 45 was very "punchy" and had a lot of "oomph". Another goodElektra 45 version to have would be Judy Collins' "Both Sides Now". I don't know if this single versionhas already shown up on CD, but the version of this song on my "Colors Of The Day--The Best Of JudyCollins" CD is a completely different recording--vocal, instrumentation, and all. I guess it could be simplyan alternate take from the same session, but it's definitely different. Hopefully these types of things are"licenseable"; some of the major companies (and other owners) seem to be getting more Allen Klein-ishabout their back catalogs. Here's hoping, anyhow...
Name: MartyWekser
From: Los Angeles
Time: 1999-08-08 14:54:57
Comments: This is a question which requires a somewhat specialized answer. I'msure someone who checks this site regularly will know the answer.Many of the "Rock And Roll Era" series CD's (the original ones with 22songs on each volume) were later remastered. Some of the originalones used dreadful tape transfers (1987 - who knew!!). When theydid do remastering, they offered to replace old CD's with the new ones.Is there anyone who has a list of which titles were remastered and whatthe current master is (RE-1, RE-2, RE-3)??Thanks.
Name: beetlefan
Website: improving, but still under construction
From: AZ
Time: 1999-08-08 16:05:41
Comments: Barry Cashion, wow! My memory must be starting to fail me, or I didn't really have the original 45 of"Light My Fire" as a kid. I thought it always just had that one edit in the middle, and was a stereo single. Rhino now has access to all the Elektra catalog. Bill Inglot does the "On The Radio" series. If we allcontact Varese Vintage, maybe these songs, and others, like "Which Way You Goin' Billy" will show upon the next volumes. They should put them out because they've done well. The last batch came out inlate October '98. It's about that time.
Name: beetlefan
From: AZ
Time: 1999-08-08 16:14:38
Comments: BTW, I'm going to start looking for the 45 of "Light My Fire" and "Which Way You Goin' Billy". If anyonehas one or both of thses 45's and can do mp3's, e-mail me and sent them to me, please. Zip them, ifyou can.
Name: Randy Price
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: New York
Time: 1999-08-08 17:35:10
Comments: Barry, the stereo single version of "Both Sides Now" is on Judy Collins' 2-CD Forever An Anthology(Elektra 62104-2), as well as on the CD reissue of the Wildflowers album (Elektra 74012-2). Themore-recent anthology is mastered louder and a little brighter, but some minor high-frequency noise isaudible on that track.
Name: SteveBaird
From: Baton Rouge: Bayou Country
Time: 1999-08-09 13:11:07
Comments: A little help from the Beach Boys Affcionados, please. I picked up a sealed copy of the now OOP LITTLEDEUCE COUPE (CDP 7243 8 29630 2 B), and would like to know (before I open it) How this one stacksup. My database tells me that I have 3 of the 4 hits on it (409, Little Deuce Coupe, Shut Down & Be TrueTo Your School) in stereo (only 409 is mono on all my other Beach Boys Collections), and am wonderingwhether this CD is all mono, all stereo (particularly 409 & BTTYS), or what? I may take it back &exchange it for something else unless someone tells me this one's a keeper. Thanks for your help.
Time: 1999-08-09 16:04:35
Comments: looking for rhino "british invasion" series, vol. 2. there are 9 vols. i had them all, but lost no.2.any info would be appreciated, since it seems out of print.
Name: David R.Modny
Time: 1999-08-09 20:49:20
Comments: Re: Beach Boys - The "Little Deuce Coupe" CD contains the "album" version of "Be True To YourSchool". The CD is in stereo, with the exception of "A Young Man Is Gone" ( acapella mono ) and"409"... which has never been mixed to stereo as it dates from the 4/62 demo session for Capitol. Thesingle, hit version of BTTYS ( completely different recording ) has never been mixed to stereo either. It isavailable on several other comps.
Name: MartyWekser
From: Los Angeles
Time: 1999-08-11 02:41:19
Comments: Does anyone who burns their own CD-R's know of a good label maker forprinting on blank labels? And -- where can one buy blank labels and such alabel maker? Thanks. (I am using a Phillips CD-R writer.)
Name: beetlefan
From: AZ
Time: 1999-08-11 03:39:45
Comments: Hi Marty,I've been using Fellowes' Neato labeling kit for a year now. I use it with Microsoft paint and CorelPrinthouse Magic. It's very easy to import images into the program, but I feel it's capabilities are a bitlimited. That's why I use the other softwre packages. The labels themselves stick well on most brandsof CD-R. I get the lables from Staples and Circut City. Even Wally-World has begun to sell them.Other products out there include Memorex, Great Gizmos' Stick It Right, and Avery. I've never tried anyof these but have been tempted to try Stick It Right.I hope your Phillips works O.K.. My HP 7200i (Phillips 3610) bit the dust after one year. I just bought anHP 7570i. (JVC).
Name: LukePacholski
From: Racine, WI
Time: 1999-08-11 11:10:33
Comments: The other night on the radio they were playing a track from 461 Ocean Blvd, and the DJ played a clipfrom the 'late great' Tom Dowd. I wasn't aware that he had died... Anyone have any information aboutthat? On a similar note, I think it's just amazing that Ahmet Ertegun still heads Atlantic (I think he isco-President or co-CEO or something...). Over 50 years!
Name: beetlefan36
From: AZ
Time: 1999-08-11 17:42:55
Comments: Yes, it's amazing, considering he's one of the two surviving founders of the company. The not so silentpartner has also departed. Jerry Wexler is still here, though.I have not heard a thing about Tom Dowd at all. Tom Moulton says he IS good friends with him, so theDJ is probably wrong. Radio DJ's are always getting things wrong. Problem is, you can't contact thembecause they work for servises like Westwood One. It especially irrtates me when they get a song'schart date wrong.
Name: TonyAlmeida
From: CA
Time: 1999-08-11 20:44:22
Comments: Barry, I had a DJ mono/stereo copy of the "Light My Fire" 45. It is my recollection that the edits were identical. Iagree that the mono mix has great punch. "Break On Through" from the mono LP also has thispresence. If you haven't heard it, try to find a mono mix of the Who's "I Can See for Miles". More "there"there.Tony
Name: BarryCashion
From: Mooresville, NC
Time: 1999-08-11 22:56:01
Comments: Thanks, guys, for your responses to my last post. Here's another one I thought I'd run by you... I have afew Atlantic 45s that say "CSG Processed Mono Master" on the label. What exactly was this CSG jazz? I seem to remember Atlantic coming up with some kind of new process for their stereo records around1968 or so that required the listener to have a special type of phono needle to take advantage of it'sbenefits. It was a very short-lived thing though, since the MANY people (and radio stations) who playedthe records with their existing needles could only hear one channel of the songs! And I suppose that, onmono players and AM radio, some parts of the songs were simply cancelled out... Does anyone elseremember anything about this, and is it related to that CSG business in any way?
Name: beetlefan
Time: 1999-08-12 07:19:16
Comments: Hey everybody, I just discovered a brand new site by DCC Classics!
Name: PaulBigelow
From: Austin, TX
Time: 1999-08-12 07:22:41
Comments: The album "The Association's Greatest Hits" has a notation about being processed usingthe CSG process. Specificaly, I think is is listed as "Holco-CGG".
Name: AlexShkoditch
From: Long Island, NY
Time: 1999-08-12 07:57:43
Comments: To Barry Cashion: I don't remeber the CSG process, however the "Atlantic special stylus" stereo recordsWERE NOT discontinued. The stylus in question became the standard stereo pickup. In 1968, therewere still many mono rigs out there, and AM radio stations never had a need to convert to stereo. Iremember here in NY, The Doors "Hello I Love You" single was played by WABC, and you could onlyhear the channel with guitar! BTW, "Light My Fire" was NOT originally issued as a stereo single. The firstoriginal issue stereo single by The Doors was "Hello I Love You".
Name: ChipCristarella
From: NJ
Time: 1999-08-12 10:02:55
Comments: This is for those who want to know what the CSG process was. WARNING: This does get a little bittechnical. "CSG" stands for "Compatible Stereo Groove", and was an attempt spearheaded by Warners in 1968/9 to address a littleremembered fact concerning listening to stereo material in mono. When you "collapse" a stereo mix into mono, whatever is mixed to thecenter of the image increases in apparent loudness by 3db. Thus, you are altering the balance of the mix, making whatever was panned centerlouder than intended. The CSG process addressed this by the process of variable progressive pahse cancellation. It took the image and applieda varible L minus R signal to it, which affected the center most, and progressively less to sounds panned from center to the extreme left orright. It didn't provide a total cancellation, just enough so that center sounds cancelled by 3db when heard in mono, and less as the mix widened.Just one problem. IT SOUNDED HORRIBLE! While it sounded passable in mono, in stereo, these treated discs have indistinctimaging,and poor sloppy sounding bass. That's why Bones Howe mixed the Association's "Birthday" LP hard L/R, no middle: doing that effecivelyplaced the CSG system out of the circuit. One consolation is that it was not a recording or mix process. Finished mixes were copied to anothertape thru the system, and that tape was used for cutting the LP's.(Although I'm sure a few were mixed thru the system. Murphy's Law, youknow.) I won't get into how since hardly anyone remembers the process, the wrong (read: processed)tapes have been used for CD mastering. (I have a Kinks "Village Green" Reprise CD that used the CSG tape as it's source, notthe tape sent from Pye.) Holco (sp?) was the originator of the process. And would you believe MONO tapes were processed too?!?! (I've gotthe 45's......)
Time: 1999-08-12 15:25:51
Comments: I would like to thank all of you who e-mailed me or left message on the chat board about the availabilityof Beatles, Doors, and Stones cd's. All of you were a big help. I would love it if somebody would put outsingle versions of the hits on cd which have never been officially released, such as Ahab the Arab, WeGotta Get Out of This Place, Master Jack, and at least two dozen others. I Don't really care if the cdrelease is a few seconds longer, but when the release is a completely different version, I want theoriginal version, even if it is put out in mono. What do you think, everybody.
Name: Jeff
Time: 1999-08-12 17:44:07
Comments: I picked up Varese Sarabande's "Happy Together-The Very Best Of White Whale Records" today, andthought I'd let fellow stereo collectors know they can save their money. Of the 21 tracks, the ONLYstereo cut is "I'll Hold Out My Hand" by the Clique. I was starting to trust this label, too. Varese hasproduced some great oldies CD's, but this one's a coaster. I see that Bill Inglot handled masteringsupervision and tape research. Guess I need not say more.
Name: beetlefan
From: AZ
Time: 1999-08-12 18:46:40
Comments: Thanks, Chip. I remember seeing CSG LP's but never heard one.John Preston, I'm with you! I like to have both cersions of songs available but I always want the hitsingle mix, even if it is in mono, and mono doesn't always sound bad. I still think a lot of stereocollectors don't really care too much if the stereo mix doesn't quite match the hit mono mix. I won't maketoo many friends here with that statement.Jeff: since one can get the stereo mix of "Happy Together" anywhere, Bill Inglot and Carey Mansfieldprobably thought that the mono 45 mix should be out as well. Carey Mansfield has pretty much statedthat he wants his products to sound like his record collection because he. too, is a collector.
Name: WaltHaake
Website: Mists of Avalon
From: NJ
Time: 1999-08-12 18:58:12
Comments: I see there's a new series underway of Motown artists: 20th Century Masters: The Millenium Collection. Martha & the Vandellas and Smokey & the Miracles are out now. Others are following. The CDs saythey are digitally remastered and stereo. Can anyone tell me if I should rush out and get thesecollections. I notice the track line-ups aren't bad, but far from complete. But at ten bucks a pop at mylocal CD store the price ain't bad.
Name: David R.Modny
Time: 1999-08-12 19:01:57
Comments: Another big thank you to Chip for the excellent explanation of the CSG process. I too remember seeingthis designation on certain albums. My question for Chip - Was this process used across the board on allof Warner's 68-69 stereo green label pressings, or would they only encode certain releases and notatethem, respectively on the cover. It would break my heart if all of Warner's stereo green label ( andpossibly some gold label ) pressings from this era were treated to this garbage.
Name: LukePacholski
From: Racine, WI
Time: 1999-08-12 20:07:27
Comments: Walt, re: MCA had been issuing the 20th Century Masters discs for several months now with some oftheir artists (The Who, Mama's and the Papa's, etc...). Now that Motown is in the Universal fold I guessthey are doing the same thing for them... I don't have any, but I think the Who one anyway is masteredfrom the same tapes used for the recent Who reissues - I'd guess they all use previously available digitalmasters (most of which have been recently remastered)...
Name: BarryCashion
From: Mooresville, NC
Time: 1999-08-12 22:41:44
Comments: Thanks once again guys, especially to Chip and Alex, for clearing me up on the CSG process and theAtlantic "special stylus" thing. Oh, the indignities that were forced upon our music back then! Speakingof the Association's "Greatest Hits" LP, my copy is a later pressing from around the early 80s, and it, too,has that Holco-CSG designation. You'd think that, by the early 80s, Warner Bros. would've gotten hipand gone back to the undoctored master; but then again, this is the same company who also later usedCSG-treated tapes for some CD reissues... DUH... I can see what Chip means about it making stereomasters sound terrible--but it really FLOORS me that they CSG'd some mono masters as well; I can'tsee what possible good THAT would do. Two of the CSG'd mono Atlantic 45s that I have are a laterpressing of Led Zeppelin's "Good Times Bad Times" and an Atlantic Oldies Series copy of the Rascals'"I've Been Lonely Too Long"/"A Beautiful Morning"; the Led Zep single sounds o.k. to me, but theRascals... The "Lonely Too Long" side wasn't processed and has a regular matrix number on the label,and sounds fine. The "A Beautiful Morning" side's label doesn't actually say that it was processed in somany words, but the matrix number has a CSG prefix; it sounds rather grungy and fuzzy. I guess thecompanies thought that this "gimmicking-up" of the music did some good; sort of the same way theyused to think that rechanneling was a good thing, huh? Ha ha...
Name: Dan Murphy
Time: 1999-08-13 00:46:10
Comments: I have a couple of questions: Does anyone know if there are plans to remaster the Four Tops catalog aswas done earlier for the Temptations? I haven't been able to find much info on what's up atMotown/Polygram. Secondly, can anyone comment on CDs on the Crimson label? As far as I can tell,Crimson is a budget label from the UK. I have seen several various artists compilations on the label, butam curious as to sound quality, whether they use original versions, etc. Thanks in advance for anyinformation.
Name: beetlefan
Time: 1999-08-13 05:48:07
Comments: The new Motown stereo masters are now probably the best we're ever going to get in the 16-bit 44.1kCD format. I say, go for 'em!
Name: don
Time: 1999-08-13 11:41:08
Comments: I'm surprised to read in Chip's recent message that the Reprise CD of The Kinks' "Village GreenPreservaton Society" used CSG-treated tapes. Chip, could you give us more info about this? It's thefirst I've heard about it! Thanks.
Name: Jeff
Time: 1999-08-13 12:09:17
Comments: The purpose of the note I posted yesterday was simply to notify stereo collectors about the lack of stereocontent on the White Whale anthology. Frankly, the producer's reasoning is of no concern to me. Hecan make CD's that sound like his record collection or his grandmother's old 78's for all I care. What Icare very much about is BEING INFORMED! Why should it be a crap shoot for the buyer? A label thathas a good stereo track record puts out a CD that's 99% mono and the outside packaging says nothingone way or the other...and the minute the buyer cracks the cellophane, he can only return the CD if it'sdefective and exchange it for the same title. I've been collecting oldies on CD for close to 15 years. Atthis point, I'm often buying CD's for one or two songs...either to add the song(s) to my collection orupgrade a mono version I already own to stereo(as was the case with the White Whale disc). There isnothing wrong with getting the mono version of a song "out there," nor is there anything wrong withselling "new stereo versions recorded by the original artists" AS LONG AS THE LABEL SAYS SO. Idon't have to buy DVD's wondering whether I'm getting the widescreen or standard version of a movie. Idon't buy coffee not knowing whether it's regular or decaf. You get the idea. I could go on forever. Please, CD producers, a little more information and a little less arrogance. I relinquish my soapbox. Have a good weekend.
Time: 1999-08-13 15:49:07
Name: ChipCristarella
From: New Jersey
Time: 1999-08-13 23:14:04
Comments: Thanks for all the kind words about my explanation of the CSG process. Here are the answers toquestions I received. To Don: My Reprise CD of the Kinks "Village Green" CD is catalog number6327-2, and I think I purchased it in the early 90's. (There's no date anywhere on the disc or packaging) It was a "budget" release if I remember correctly and sold for around $9.00 then. It was a surprise to metoo, that it was a CSG master, because the original Reprise LP didn't mention it. But then, I neverplayed my original because I had a Japanese pressing of the album first, and, well, you know how goodthose used to be! (For those too young to remember, Japanese LP's were PERFECT! No warps, clicks,pops, or ANY extraneous noise. And the lyric sheets and deluxe packaging! For EVERY title!) Butlistening to the CD immediately slapped it in my face. Yep, there it was, that damn phasey hollowsounding bass, poor center imaging, and overall "haze" that made it's pedigree known. Just like theReprise LP I sampled immediately after.To David Modny: I really don't know. I DO know that NO gold label WB's LP's used it. (The labelchange came first.) I also have never come across a previously released title re-mastered via CSG. Most WB CSG's I have come across are from the "Warner-Bros./7 Arts" period, and are notated on thecover as CSG. (But the "Village Green" LP is an exception to keep in mind, though.) I think it was moreon a by-title basis, otherwise there wouldn't be the audiophile respect many WB albums from that periodhave (i.e.: Van Morrison's "Moondance".) I do have a lot of "Greatest Hits" LP's using the processthough. (From Warner's, A&M, Atco, and Atlantic. These seem to be the biggest users of the system.)To Barry: Don't be too hard on Warner's for the Association Greatest Hits LP/CD. Keep in mind that wasa compilation so there would be no "undoctored" master for that title, unlike, say, the Beau Brummels"Bradley's Barn" LP which had to exist as a finished "pure" 2 track prior to CSG. To correct theAssociation CD, they would have had to reassemble the album from the original tapes. And who is goingto do that for a "budget" re-issue of a title by a group that has pretty much been forgotten by themasses? Certainly not the bottom line oriented mega bureaucratic Time-Warner conglomerate. (I usethe Beau Brummels as an example because I have a 1985 Edsel (UK) LP re-issue of that title that wasSTILL CSG processed, and credited too. That's one instance were an undoctored tape couldhave/should have been found and used.) That's all for now.
Name: JoelGoldenberg
From: Montreal
Time: 1999-08-13 23:29:52
Comments: This may floor some of you. The Millennium Masters series on MCA is considerably less expensive inCanada than in the U.S., from what I've seen so far. We've only got the MCA artists so far (NeilDiamond, The Who, etc.). Ours range from $6.99-$7.99, whereas I've seen them in the States for abot$9.99 and up (at least $15 Canadian.) Quite a difference. They sound good, too.
Name: beetlefan
Time: 1999-08-14 07:57:37
Comments: I found an original pressing of the Doors' "Light My Fire" 45 and The Poppy Family's WWYGB at a usedrecord store today.The 45 is in mono and is speeded up by +4.2%! The time is @:49. It has three edit points during theinstrumental break. The drums are louder and the vocal and keyboards are up front. It has and Elektrared, white, red and pink label with the band's logo.I also found The Poppy Family's "Which Way You Goin', Billy" 45. It's on the London blue fan label andis in mono. It runs at the same length as the stereo version found on Rhino's "Have A Nice Day", Vol 2. The drums are mixed way down. and the vocal is dry and up front.I also found a lot of late 60's CSG hit singles.
Name: Tom Daly
Website: Skyline Digital Audio Restoration Service
From: Metro Boston
Time: 1999-08-14 17:04:28
Comments: I'd like to add my two cents to this Haeco-CSG discussion. Reflect please, on the fact that prior to 1967,99% of all 45s were mono and LPs were simultaneously pressed in mono (with a 1 mil groove diameter)and stereo (with a .6 mil groove diameter, using the Westrex 45/45 groove system). Add to this fact thatmono pickups (cartridges) lacked vertical compliance and would shread the stereo groove with it'sinability to track vertical groove modulation. Haeco-CSG's cutting head enabled the record companies todiscontinue simultaneous mono and stereo pressings of the same title, providing a stereo groove thatwould not be damaged by play with a mono pickup. Mono CSG singles were simply 45s that used tapesthat were mixed to mono but were cut with the Haeco-CSG cutting head. Whether or not this cuttinghead affected a 3db reduction in a L+R mix is unknown to me, but it was the development of this cuttinghead that allowed mono LP pressings to be discontinued and brought forth the success of the stereosingle. Unfortunately, this cutting head wasn't developed early enough, as it enables labels like Rhino toaccess mono master tapes that have not been used since the simultaneous issue of mono and stereopressings of the same LPs were discontinued. The stereo tapes have much more mileage on them thanthe mono ones, resulting in less oxide shed and better signal-to-noise ratios because the mono tapeshaven't been taken down as many generations.
Name: SteveBaird
From: Stinkin' hot Baton Rouge
Time: 1999-08-14 17:37:00
Comments: According to CDNow, the Temptations' Millenium Collection will be released on 8/31. Thanks forbringing this new Motown series from MCA to everyone's attention. Glad I didn't buy into that monoUltimate series last year.
Name: Lex Bloom
From: Boston
Time: 1999-08-15 10:25:18
Comments: To Marty Wekser: Lex here. I've had tremendous results with the Neato 2000 CD Labeler Kit. Thesoftware has provisions for designing labels and also jewel box inlay cards and tray liners. It also has atleast 66 digital images, and I've also found it compatible with other clip-art software as well. I've had afield day recreating vintage record labels such as Decca (The Who, Brenda Lee, Ricky Nelson) and Uni(Neil Diamond, Strawberry Alarm Clock). I also have an Alps MD-5000 printer, which uses dry ink ratherthan ink or bubble jet. Takes longer, granted, but the results are permanent and won't smudge shouldthey fall victim to moisture. Good luck, my friend.
From: Mooresville, NC
Time: 1999-08-15 12:30:39
Comments: Just wanted to add my thanks to Jeff for his warning about the new "Very Best Of White Whale Records"CD. One cut on there that I was especially hoping would be in stereo is "Follow Me" by Lyme &Cybelle... Another missed stereo opportunity for the majority of these cuts. In light of this info, I'msurprised that the one Clique cut is stereo; I wonder why Mr. Mono himself, Bill Inglot, didn't make it aclean sweep and do it ALL in mono, since that's the only mode that seems to matter to him anymore? Looks like Mr. Spector and Mr. Klein have some competition for the title of Mono-King, eh?
Name: ChipCristarella
From: New Jersey
Time: 1999-08-15 17:43:03
Comments: To Tom Daly: Sorry, Tom, I have to disagree with you. The CSG system was not a cutting head. I don'tknow where your information comes from, but I got mine from articles about the process from old issuesof Stereo Review, Billboard, and High Fidelity magazine among others, as well as an examination of anactual "black box" encoder. It was strictly an encoding to tape process. It is also patently impossible toplay ANY stereo disc properly with a non-vertically compliant mono pick up, CSG or not. You willALWAYS shave off the vertical portion of the groove. Groove width doesn't enter into it. It is simplephysics. How can any kind of groove cutting manipulation bestow a lateral tracking only device with theability to read vertical modulations? If this were true, Haeco would have put Westrex, Neumann, andOrtofon out of business overnight. As it is, I cannot find any evidence that Haeco made cutting heads. Please tell me your source. History shows that mono LP's and 45's were abandoned because of thesimultaneous marketing of mono cartridges that would track vertical modulations, the raising ofwholesale prices of mono LP's to the same amount as stereo discs, and the abandonment of makingmono phonographs with any pretense to quality. (The only mono phonographs made in the late sixtieswere of the "kiddy" type, or really cheap portables.) Retailers hated having the double inventory to beginwith, and equal pricing destroyed the last remaining reason to carry mono discs. Remember the flood of99-cent mono LP's Woolworth's got in the early Seventies? That was because the labels foundthemselves stuck with huge inventories of mono discs they couldn't sell to the dealers because of theprice increases. They got rid of them at a loss and punished us with "dynaflex". (I'm kidding aboutdynaflex. I've been watching too many X-Files shows lately
) In fact, the "new" mono cartridges were nonew invention, either. The ability to make vertically compliant mono cartridges always existed, but theycost more to manufacture. Besides, if you were going to replace a mono pickup to play stereo discs, itjust made more sense to install a new stereo cartridge and wire it to mono. Eventually, more modernproduction techniques and better raw materials (and cheaper overseas labor) made the cost differentialnegligible, so people got "new" stereo-compatible mono pickups in their new inexpensive changers andportables. Also, note that all stereo discs from the era have blurbs that state that this disc can also beplayed on MODERN mono phonographs without any damage. The implication there is clear. There isno such thing as a "mono" CSG single. They were stereo cut 45's that used mono master tapesprocessed by the CSG system. It did have the -3dB L+R reduction and it did play havoc with the sound. (Hollow bass, phasey midrange, and overall grunge.) In fact the sound of these 45's are worse thanstereo material because the CSG system affected common (L+R) sounds the most.
Name: SteveBaird
From: Baton Rouge
Time: 1999-08-15 18:07:52
Comments: To Chip Cristarella: Actually, Chip, there were many reasons to disdain RCA's dynaflex. In the late 60's Iwas managing a record store while going to college, and there were a flood ob albums that came in withnumerous mfg defects -- bubbles in the vinyl that caused skips and loud pops were the most commonones. This is not to say that Dynaflex itself was the culprit, but it was, invariably, RCA records with thedynaflex logo that manifested this problem. Those that didn't have the logo were just fine. The only otheralbum that received continuous complaint about not playing properly was Rod Stewart's 1971 LP, EveryPicture Tells A Story. That may be so, but of the 200 copies I ordered for its initial release, we returnednearly all of them as defects that wouldn't play properly on customers' "Hi-Fis" not even on my Dual1219 with Grado cartridge either, for that matter. That was off your CSG subject, but I couldn't resistgetting a jab in at RCA for its poorly manufactured records in the late 60's and early 70's.
Name: JohnPreston
From: Arlington , Texas
Time: 1999-08-16 01:09:14
Comments: I know that this has been discussed in earlier messages, but for the record, here's my take on the"grey-area" cd's that seem to appear more and more of late. I would prefer to call them "filler" cd's. Why?Because that is what they are. "Fillers"! Let's face facts, shall we? Who, among us collectors, wouldhave discarded the Sam Cooke and Redbird/Bluecat discs released last year, if we had "filler" cd's ofthese artists. Well, let's see.... NONE! We, in fact, jumped at them, like hungry wolves, which is just as itshould be. I won't buy any current artists "filler cd's because it really does hurt the artists and the peoplewho own them, but are we really going to drive the "majors" or even "minors" out of business if we buyan unauthorized release of the greatest hits of, let's say Walter Brennan or Linda Scott, recorded fromsomebody's vinyl records. I think not. Let's face fact's. We are a small group of people. The average cdbuyer doesn't know the difference between "the original hit versions" and "newly rerecorded versions ofhits". And then there's the "stereo vs mono" issue. I have seen the look of friends and loved ones when Ihave told them about some great "stereo" find. We get that "It's ok. We are going to get you some help"look. So I say that if we can find a reasonably good sounding cd of the hits of Eddie Hodges or KennyKaren, then so be it. After all, they are just "fillers", until someone gets around to a release "from themasters". Then, the local oldies cd stores will have all those "fillers" for $7.98 each, and we will havewhat we wanted all along. Sound reasonable? Thanks for your patience.
Name: Bob Olivia
From: Burbank, California
Time: 1999-08-16 04:13:35
Comments: When is somebody going to release Connie Stevens and Joanie Summers stateside? $32.00 isoutrageous for Japanese version. Bob
Name: ChipCristarella
From: New Jersey
Time: 1999-08-16 10:58:31
Comments: Steve,Oh! I agree. I do disdain Dynaflex. God forbid you had a turntable platter smaller then 12" in diameter in combination with an arm tracking heavier than 3 grams! Instant "bendees"! Those things were horrid! I was kidding about it being a purposely retaliatory move for abandoning mono and causing them to lose money.
Name: MarkMathews
From: Long Island, NY
Time: 1999-08-16 19:56:59
Comments: Greetings All, to echo Jeff's earlier post, I will once again waste my time telling any label that reads thisforum; use your mono if it makes you happy, there may be some people out there who even like it, butyou have NO excuse for not saying so on the OUTSIDE of the package. It's been said here again andagain. I've read every excuse why someone prefered to use the use the mono mixes instead os stereo,but I've never read one decent exuse for not putting in writing on the outside. Just tell us whats in thereguys. Are you afraid some of us might not buy it if says MONO? What does that tell you? Particularly ona Rhino Cd, they know what there using from the get-go and there's no reason not to inform theconsumer. Maybe in the next millenium these guys will get the message. It's just a shame a few peoplehave to get burned so they can nicely warn the rest of us here. Caveat Emptor. Thank You. -MM
Name: beetlefan
Time: 1999-08-16 20:52:21
Comments: Mark, In defense of Rhino, CD jackets are produced at the same time or before the mastering process. There is no way that A&R can know the mono/stereo content going into a project. That's one reason theinfo does not apear on the label or jacket. Sometimes, the engineer doesn't know for certain which tapehe can use. These projects are planned way in advance but things do happen. And I don't mind MONOif it's the only way to get the correct mix/edit. So, I guess I'm one of those people.
Name: DaveDaugherty
From: Dublin, Ohio
Time: 1999-08-17 09:37:12
Comments: Regarding the White Whale disc....this really seems to be a classic case of "Is the glass half full, or halfempty?" Everybody is focusing on the stereo content so much, that they are overlooking everythingelse. I just got the disc, and for my money, the glass is half full. I like stereo as much as the next guy,but I like getting songs I don't already have, or being able to replace tracks that are in miserablecondition even better! Sure I'd like these tracks to be in stereo, but I suspect that many of them werenever mixed to stereo when recorded. Let's not forget that White Whale was a SINGLES label. Thatwas their bread and butter. Many of these artists never even recorded an album. In many cases, themono mix is it. The label's most successful act, The Turtles, certainly had albums, but even they havesaid that the mono mixes of their songs are clearly superior. Pat Downey lists the stereo mix of "HappyTogether" on 23 different discs, and there's not one listing of the mono mix. How many more stereo"Happy Together's" do we need? To my ear, it's refreshing to hear that song in mono since the stereomix is so hissy and thin. I own many of the songs on the White Whale discs as mono 45's, and I'm veryhappy to have nice clean clear copies of those songs. Yes, the songs are not all stereo, and may noteven be available in stereo, but the sound and the packaging are excellent, and much better than what Ihave now, so in my opinion, a tip of the hat to Cary Mansfield and Varese for putting together a reallygood representation of a unique singles label.
From: PA
Time: 1999-08-17 12:25:35
Comments: On the issue of filler CDs, I have actually spoken by telephone with one person who produces andmarkets nationally a small line of Oldies CDs regarding items on my want list. Ive conversed withanother by e-mail about the seemingly endless duplication of the same old songs re-released over andover again. The first person exclaimed that no one would be interested in one of the songs (Turvy byCozy Cole) on my want list because it peaked only at number 36. Yet, there are 9 songs out of a total of55 on the 3 CDs I have from his label that peaked lower than 36. The second producer said that he likedhis job and wanted to keep it, and that he might be fired if he produced CDs that didnt sell. I took thisto mean that the many collectors out there who already have at least 2 copies of Cozy Coles Topsywould rather have another copy of it than a single copy of Turvy. There has been talk of late about thefirst 2 MCA releases in the Millennium series of Motown artists. Like so many others who come here forinformation, I too will be buying them with the hope that these will provide better sound, although Ialready own at least one other copy of every song on both these Miracles and Vandellas CDs. I am justas guilty as everyone else, I suppose, at enabling the industry to take advantage of me. I would like tosee it stop. Since there are so few songs on these two Millennium series CDs, they certainly cannotreplace earlier issues as they are very incomplete.
Which brings me to issue #2, the cost of addingduplicates to our collections, or, how many copies of My Boyfriends Back do you need in yourcollection anyway? There seems to be almost unanimous praise out there for the talents of SteveHoffman at DCC. Of course, very little of Mr. Hoffmans time is spent catering to us; instead he is hardat work producing gold reissues of 70s albums for the audiophile market where the cost of thesoftware is not at issue. Nor are there scores of CDs containing the same material against which DCChas to compete. I am not privy to DCCs contractual procedures, but I doubt that they worry about themuch-discussed 10,000 copy minimum for a license. And just like everyone else, I would prefer to payas little for the music as I possibly can; but also like many others, I would be happy to pay more for aquality product IF there were something unique enough about that product to warrant the additional cost.I am not suggesting that I would pay DCC the kind of prices that it routinely gets for its gold CDs: thatwould merely give everyone else in the business an excuse to raise their prices. But I am saying that Iwould be happy to pay the prices that we normally expect to pay for an Ace import for every CD I boughtif they reduced substantially the list of the many as-yet-to be-unavailable-on-CD titles. I was happy topay CCM $24 (including shipping) for Aces LAND OF 1000 DANCES last spring because we FINALLYgot Al Browns The Madison on a quality CD -- not, yet, another copy (I have 5) of Ray BryantsThe Madison Time. (And, Mr. Producers, Browns peaked at 23; Bryants at 30... hmmm.) Also,beetlefan is right, I agree with him that I would rather have the original mono mix than nothing original atall.
On the where are they now front, Ive reduced my want list to the five I consider the mostinexplicable absences of oldies on CD -- and the ones I want the most. 1. The Marketts BatmanTheme. Peaking higher than any other version of the song (17), it is missing from SundazedsGreatest Hits CD, and appears to be unavailable on any VA compilation as well; yet Neil Heftis version(peaking at 35) is available everywhere. 2. Helmut Zacharias 1956 When the White Lilacs BloomAgain yes its schmaltz, and yes, Varese Sarabande gave us Billy Vaughns version that peakedalmost as high (18 vs. 12), but its not the same. 3. Ivo Robics Morgen which peaked at 13 in1959. 4. Cozy Coles Turvy has already been mentioned. 5. The Daddy-Os Got A Matchpeaked at 39 in 59. This one would have been a great addition to any VA compilation from the majors-- even Rhino. If any of these are available on any commercially available CD in the USA, please let meknow: I dont buy bootlegs.
Name: beetlefan
Time: 1999-08-17 14:06:38
Comments: AMEN, Dave!
Name: KenGarland
From: la
Time: 1999-08-17 17:34:41
Comments: Maybe i missed read the entry, but i have Batman Theme by the Marketts on More Party Classics9-27610-2 Warner Special Products. I think i got it around 1987.
Name: BradleyOlson
Website: Bradley Olson--APerson With Autism
From: Bemidji, Minnesota
Time: 1999-08-17 17:44:41
Comments: Ken, you read the post correctly about the Marketts version of "Batman Theme."
Name: Marty Blaise
Website: The Blaise Page
From: Houston, Texas
Time: 1999-08-17 17:56:09
Comments: I'm glad to see the comments about the lower charting recordings! Those are the ones you never hearplayedon the radio. The only way I guess you can hear them is to collect them. Thanks to several folks on theBSNchat board, I've heard a few tracks that I had never heard before. Ok, now that we've discovered a lot ofstereofor the top hits, let's work on those tracks that made it on the charts for two weeks or so. I've neverheard thatDaddy-O's instrumental, but it sounds intriguing. Guess it's going to take persuasion from stereocollectors toget those harder to find tracks, even if it's only one or two per CD. Nothing is ever easy, you know.
Name: Dave Clark
From: Ottawa
Time: 1999-08-17 18:04:12
Comments: To follow up with the Doors and those extra edits in the single of LMF (which I'd love to hear BTW), thestereo 45 of Touch Me, has a mix that kicks so much better than the LP one we're all used to - I wonderif we'll ever get to hear it (my copy was broken long ago, so I can onlyremember it!). Do any you have it?
Name: SteveBaird
From: Baton Rouge
Time: 1999-08-17 19:48:21
Comments: More Party Classics is out of print. John D. is right: there is no currently available CD published in theUSA that has the song on it. Why it wasn't put on the Sundazed CD is a mystery to me too.
Name: Bob Olivia
From: Burbank, California
Time: 1999-08-17 19:49:35
Comments: When is somebody going to release the best of Connie Stevens and Joannie Somers domestically.$32.00 is a little drastic for the Japanese CD. Bob.
Name: Lex Bloom
From: Boston
Time: 1999-08-17 20:09:46
Comments: To Bob Olivia: RE: Connie Stevens - Good question. If WB were absolutely serious about anthologizingConnie, one suggestion I have is, in addition to her hit "Sixteen Reasons", to add several tunes sheperformed as Cricket Blake on the TV show "Hawaiian Eye". In a 1962 episode, titled "Total Eclipse",which also starred a young Jack Nicholson, she did a charming rendition of "Dancing In The Dark" at theShell Bar of the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Anyway, yes, Connie is due for CD anthologizing, and yes, instereo, of course.
Name: WaltHaake
From: Princeton, NJ
Time: 1999-08-17 20:31:38
Comments: Is there an easy-to-find STEREO version of Pictures of Matchstick Men by Status Quo out there? Howabout Ice In The Sun by the same group. Thanks folks.
Name: Paul Carr
Time: 1999-08-18 10:45:38
Comments: Does anyone know where to find the mono single edit of "I Love You"by People. There are plenty of CDs with the heavily reverbed stereoversion, but I can't seem to find the mono version. The mono mix ismuch drier and punchier. I created a mono mix for myself by summinga rechanneled (from mono) version from K-Tel's Battle Of The BandsVol. 4, but I would still like to find a clean mono version.
Name: Marty Blaise
From: Houston, Texas
Time: 1999-08-18 17:43:30
Comments: Read in the paper today that the movie Yellow Submarine is being released on videocassette and DVD,withthe soundtrack remixed in Dolby Surround Sound. It is supposed to include the Hey Bulldog footage thatgotaxed from the original for some reason (anyone know why?). I'm curious to see if Only A Northern Songwillbe mixed into true stereo or will it be surround sound mono? What does surround sound mono soundlike?Hopefull the soundtrack will not be mixed into all mono. Maybe someone with a stereo VCR can checkthisone out.
Name: MikeCloud
From: Houston, TX
Time: 1999-08-18 20:09:51
Comments: Marty, you must have read that article in the Houston Chronicle. "Yellow Submarine" has been restoredwith the "Hey Bulldog" footage. The entire soundtrack has been re-mixed to 5.1 surround. Even theBeatle songs have been remixed to 5.1! "Only a Northern Song" will be in true stereo. The engineerswent back to the original multi's before George Martin mixed the four basic tracks down to one track(leaving three new tracks to record on). It's like being remixed from a seven track recorder. I'm not sureif the CD will be 5.1 or just remixed two channel.
From: San Juan, PR
Time: 1999-08-19 06:28:21
Comments: Hi all. The new Yellow Submarine CD will be 2 channels mixed down from the 5 (Or the new multitracks,see below) cus CD's are stereo ;) (Unless they release a 5 channel DTS CD) Well, they could remix tostereo monitoring through a matrix surround decoder to do a "Dolby Surround" kind of mix but that's notthe same thing, while the DVD will be 5 channel DISCRETE surround and I think it'll have the extrafeature of an Audio only track. Mike is right, what they've done is similar to what they did for the PetSounds Stereo, of synching all the earlier generation multitracks to the last 4 track before the mono orstereo mixdowns thereby generating a 7-10 channel multitrack and remixing that to 5 channel surround.So now we'll have MONO, STEREO, 5 CHANNEL SURROUND, and REMIX FROM 5 TO STEREOversions of songs to chase!
They can do a 5 channel SURROUND mix now with Pet Sounds and any other multitrack tape they haveso we may have soon the back to mono movement on one side and a foward on to surround on theother.
(While at the same time, for example, the original 60's stereo mixes of Strawberry Fields Forever andthe Help! and Rubber Soul albums (in addition to the first 4) aren't available on CD. (Those "stereo CD's"are REMIXED stereo)
(I don't mind remixes to better sound. I just want the original stereo and mono to be available too;)
Here's a tentative song list (with the versions) that i found on the net for the new CD.
(My excuses tothe place i got it cus i lost the URL :(
01-HEY BULLDOG (version 1 - remix)
03-NOWHERE MAN (remix)
04-ELEANOR RIGBY (remix)
05-LOVE YOU TO (remix)
06-ALL TOGETHER NOW (version 1 - remix)
08-THINK FOR YOURSELF (tracking session excerpt)
10-BABY, YOU'RE A RICH MAN (remix)
13-WHEN I'M SIXTY-FOUR (remix)
14-HEY BULLDOG (version 2 remix)
15-IT'S ALL TOO MUCH (long version remix)
16-Dialogue/ALL TOGETHER NOW (version 2 - remix)
Tentative line-up for "Yellow Submarine Song Tracks" Single:
01-HEY BULLDOG ("Beatle talk" mix)
02-YELLOW SUBMARINE (mono mix)
04-IT'S ALL TOO MUCH (short version - remix)
(If they release the single I'll be getting it for the MONO Sgt. Pepper mainly ;)
Name: beetlefan
Time: 1999-08-19 12:33:41
Comments: To Jesus,"Strawberry Fields Forever" was not mixed to stereo until 1970 when Capitol Records insisted he do so.
Name: ChipCristarella
From: New Jersey
Time: 1999-08-19 13:07:42
Comments: Sorry, Beetlefan, you're wrong too. "Strawberry Fields" and "Hello Goodbye" were mixed to stereo in1967 and Capitol obtained these mixes for the "Magical Mystery Tour" LP. Remember, "Strawberry Fields" was supposed to be on"Sgt. Pepper", so it wasn't unusual that a stereo mix was made. "Penny Lane" was supposed to be on "Pepper" too, but I think the decision torelease the two songs as a single occured before a stereo mix was attempted. No need to mix a single to stereo. you know ;) This 1967stereo mix of "Strawberry Fields" was also used on the American 1967 - 1970 "Blue Album" compilation."Strawberry Fields" was remixed (in stereo) in the very early Seventies for the German release of the "MMT" LP."Penny Lane" and "Baby You're A Rich Man" also got their first stereo mixes at this time specifically for the German LP. Subsquently, the early Seventies stereomix has become the worldwide "standard" while the "original" stereo mix from 1967 (only used in America, as far as I know) has become a "lost" mix.
From: San Juan, PR
Time: 1999-08-19 13:31:28
Comments: Beetlefan: Strawberry was mixed in stereo in 29 Dec 1966 matching the mono mix, and was releasedthe next year (in stereo) in the US LP of Magical Mystery Tour. It's in true stereo. On Oct 71 a new stereomix was made on AIR studios (along the first time stereo mixes of Penny Lane and Baby You're ARichman) for the German issue of MMT. I call it the "audiophile" mix cus it sounds very clean andacoustic, but it's not as trippy (The 60's stereo sounds much more like the mono single)
WhenMMT was finally released in Lp form in the UK in 1976 it also used the 60's stereo, while the cassetteused the 70's stereo. The Blue 1967-1970 Lp's and the MFSL Lp's had the 60's stereo. (Apparently theMFSL cassette used the "German" master and had the 70's stereo, but I haven't personally listened to it)The CD's only have the 70's remix.
That's why I mentioned Strawberry (And Help! and RubberSoul. Those two CD's are remixed versions done in '87). Tho they sound good, they aren't the samemixes as the originals. I just want the originals on CD :)
(The new stereo tracks from albums 2,3 and 4 on the The Beatles 1962-66 are also remixed, i also would like those first 4 stereo albums inofficial stereo CD release of course)
Name: JohnPreston
From: Arlington, Texas
Time: 1999-08-19 18:21:19
Comments: I noticed that Midnight Records is listed under the recommended mail order sources. A little warning! Idon't know how they are of late, but I had a lot of trouble with this company several years ago. Aftersending me the wrong Fortunes cd and I returned it, I never received the correct one or a refund. Also,after waiting for months for cd's that I ordered, I finally just cancelled the order and bought them fromanother source. Again, if you have had good luck with them, then maybe they have changed their ways.More power to them. But I felt that a warning was in order. By the way, I just bought the cd "20th CenturyMasters:The Best of Martha Reeves & the Vandellas, The Millennium Collection" Good Grief! Thesetitles are getting out of hand. First, the up side: This is the best sounding Martha & Vandellas cd yet, andthe liner notes would indicate that it contains the "long lost" resurrected from the vault stereo singleversion of "Jimmy Mack". I haven't had a chance to compare it to the single, yet, but it's two-track. Onthe down side, there are only eleven songs on this disc. Let's be serious, here. This group had 12 Top40 (HOT 100) hits. The least we could expect would be all the Top 40 hits, but no! Still, if the care thatwas taken on the sonics of this cd is done on all the cd's in this series, I would have to recommend them.For what it's worth.
Name: beetlefan
Time: 1999-08-20 00:31:15
Comments: Jesus and Chip, Sorry, I just checked my "Beatles Recording Sessions" book and there it is, Dec. 29,1999.My mistake.
Time: 1999-08-20 12:21:00
Comments: One man's meat... With apologies to John P, I bought both of the 2 new Motown releases in theMillennium series, and, frankly, I thought both were terrible sounding. While they may not be the worstsources for the songs on CD, I dont think that their improvements warrant anything more than awarning to all that the CDs just dont offer much to collectors except Jimmy Mack. Granted, the early90s MR&V release (20299-2) was all mono, but as John said, with only 11 songs on it, this one canhardly be thought of as comprehensive. The sound is very bright and harsh on both, and hissy on theolder songs. I think they proove that eq-ing the highest frequencies can benefit some older recordings.Also, despite the little sticker exclaiming stereo, Shop Around still sounds like mono to me.
As faras the Miracles go, there is no reason for collectors to buy this one since everything else except the longversion of Love Machine was available in stereo on the 2-CD anthology. The next 2 releases (MarvinGaye & The Temptations) in the series are supposed to be out on August 31. I think Ill wait for somepositive feedback from others before I shell out hard earned cash for them.
Name: Randy Price
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: New York
Time: 1999-08-20 13:27:46
Comments: I also was disappointed with the sound quality overall on the Martha Reeves & The VandellasMillennium Collection CD. This is true for only some of the tracks: in general, the earlier ones tend to bethin and trebly, while the later ones are much better. As for "Jimmy Mack," listening on headphones, itsounds to me like there is separation between the center and left of the stereo image, so it's not2-track--it just sounds that way because all the vocals are buried in the right channel. As for theforthcoming Temptations entry in this series, I suspect that if you already have the remastered GreatestHits 1 & 2, you'll have no need for the new one (the hits CDs are also budget-priced).
Name: BarryCashion
From: Mooresville, NC
Time: 1999-08-20 17:07:43
Comments: After reading Mr. Preston's comment on Midnight Records, I thought I would chip in one of my ownexperiences with them too... I've actually ordered from them several times and have gotten pretty goodservice overall, and their prices, especially for imports, aren't bad at all. But I, too, hit a snag with themonce, several months ago. I had ordered three CDs, including the EMI "Psychedelia At Abbey Road1965-69" disc, which I hadn't seen a track listing for at the time and which I hoped would contain "ArnoldLayne" by Pink Floyd. That CD was out of stock, and I had elected on the order form to have them holdthe order until all items were in. I got an email saying that, other than the Psychedelia CD, the rest of theorder was ready to go. In the meantime, I found out that "A.L." wasn't on the disc, so I called them andtold them to forget about that one and just send the rest of the order. Weeks went by... nothing. I calledagain and explained the situation, and the woman I spoke to assured me she would get on it right awayand ship the order. A few more weeks went by, and then I got an email from them saying "Thanks foryour patience, your back-ordered item will arrive shortly"! That did it... I replied with a slightlyless-than-polite email of my own which reiterated the whole sordid mess, and about a week and a halflater, I finally received the order. (Thank Heaven they DIDN'T goof and send the Psychedelia discanyway!) And to add insult to injury, when I got my bank statement for that period I discovered that theyhad charged the order to my credit card (check card) as soon as it was received; I was under theimpression that orders weren't to be charged until they were shipped... AARRGGHH!! I had ordered onNew Years' Eve, and I guess they wanted to count it to make sales for the year look as good as possibleon their books... I suppose that with the large volume of orders they receive, mistakes are inevitable,and it was partially my own fault for changing the order in mid-stream, but it WAS much sothat I haven't ordered from them since. Just thought I'd share that little experience.
Name: beetlefan
Time: 1999-08-20 17:32:08
Comments: The new Motown Millenium series is the reason I'm sticking with the early nineties mono collections andbox sets. I also have the latest stereo remasters of the Temptations. If the stereo "Jimmy Mack" doesn'tmatch the mono mix, why bother?
Website: Both Sides Now Publications
Referred by: I live here.
From: Fairfax Station, VA
Time: 1999-08-20 21:35:56
Comments: Hi all,
I presume most have figured out that when you get an error message when trying to post to the board, itactually does post your message. It lies.
(begin rant)
In terms of bad experiences with mail-order record dealers, how about this? In JANUARY, I ordered the4-CD set by Peter Paul & Mary from Reader's Digest, primarily because it had "The Wedding Song" onit. They took my order, then told me to expect the CD in TEN WEEKS!!! Ten weeks? what kind ofservice is that? Well, I found out. Ten weeks came and went. Meanwhile, they had billed my card and Ihad paid them and had nothing. The 60 days for disputing charges with my credit card passed. Nothing.
Finally, in May, I called to ask where the thing was. The "customer service" clerk told me they hadshipped it. I said I didn't receive it. They asked for my address and told me I couldn't possibly live inFairfax Station, since their computer "corrected" my address to "Fairfax, VA." I noted that if they sent itto Fairfax, which is a completely different city, I would NEVER get it. She said she'd have to talk to hersupervisor about whether they could send it to me in Fairfax Station. I also noted to her that it had beenfour months since they took my money, and now the CD was on sale for $15 less. She said she'd refundthe difference and send the CD within 2 weeks, provided, of course, that her supervisor would let her.
Of course, you just know what happened. Four weeks went by, and nothing. No CD, no refund, noexplanation. I called again. Another "customer service" rep put me on hold, but didn't push the mutebutton on her phone. I listened for several minutes while she talked to the woman at the next deskabout what they were having for breakfast and who they were going out with, etc. Finally, she cameback on the line. I explained the problem. She told me the other "customer service" clerk I had talked todidn't know what she was doing, because she had my zip code entered wrong. At this point, I was reallydisgusted. I asked for her to cancel the order. She said okay, and that I'd get a refund within two weeks.I wrote a letter to their "customer service" department in New York.
Two weeks came and went. After three weeks, I called back to find out the status of the order. The new"customer service" clerk said she didn't have a clue. After I related that it seemed to me that the wholecompany "didn't have a clue," she said "wait a minute." After a few seconds, she came back on the lineand said that they had sent me "something" about ten days earlier, but she didn't know what.
About a week later, the CD showed up. With the kind of pathetic service I had been shown, Ididn't dare send it back because I'm 100% certain I'd never get my money back! Reader's Digest hasbeen just about the worst company I have ever dealt with concerning mail order. I would strongly adviseagainst anyone ever dealing with them. They are totally incompetent, one and all, from what I can see,and they lie to you. Not a good combination.
I don't usually trash people on the chat board, but they still haven't even given me the courtesy ofanswering my letter, much less doing anything correctly. And a more incompetent staff of "customerservice" reps I have never seen! (end rant)
Name: JohnPreston
From: Arlington, Texas
Time: 1999-08-21 02:24:21
Comments: I could not agree with you more, Marty. None of us are going to live forever. And as you said, we may godeaf one of these days. We are the first group of humans to be tested on loud rock and roll music. After40 years of great music, I can still hear. Hallelujah! Michael, I didn't have any trouble with Reader'sDigest, when I ordered the Bobby Vinton box set, several years ago. Must have gotten lucky. Doesanyone know where I might find the American hit versions of "Leaning On a Lamp Post" by Herman'sHermits and "We Gotta Get Out Of This Place" by the Animals? Collector's Choice has been ravingabout a new import of the Animals which is supposed to have all their early hits on it. Anyone knowabout it? Sorry some of you didn't agree with my assessment of the Martha and Vandellas cd. I guesswe don't always agree on what sounds great, do we? The only Martha and Vandellas cd that I had wasthe early first release, so that should tell you something.
Name: Charlie
From: Perrrysburg Ohio
Time: 1999-08-21 05:40:09
Comments: Can anyone supply any additional information on Mr Maestro CDs? Everything I have heard is in bitsand pieces. How many discs are there? What are some of the highlights of each ? The one Martydescribed sounds super. Also does the See For Miles Freddy Cannon release have the song "June July And August" ? This was aB side track. Charlie
Name: curtlundgren
Website: Hey! my page has beenredone.
From: twin cities, MN.
Time: 1999-08-21 07:38:30
Comments: BMG has reactivated Buddah, with releases from Melanie (a greatest package, 19 tracks), Glenn Miller(live broadcast recordings, ca 1938-39), a reissue of "Safe As Milk"/Capt. Beefheart (+7 bonus) and awonderful reissue of "Music FromPeter Gunn" by Mancini (+4). Apparently, the Razor & Tie relationship (BMG distributes) with MikeRagogna is deepening....he's Producer on all. Only just starting withthe Mancini disc on the 'puter's speakers, but it's GREAT!Very quiet, and I don't see any 20-bit or other high performance digital information blurb. (I've alwaysthoughtRCA material from its Hollywood studios in the late 50s-early 60s sounded good.) Soundtrack fans, GOfor it.And Mike.....thanks! We look forward to more.
Name: MikeCloud
From: Houston, TX
Time: 1999-08-21 10:49:55
Comments: Jesus, the new Collector's Choice catalog says that the new "Yellow Submarine" CD will be in 5.1surround. It could be a mistake. But I've seen 5.1 DTS CD's by the Moody Blues and Paul McCartney. They sold for $25 at Fry Electronics in Dallas, TX.Mike
Name: AlexShkoditzh
From: Long Island, NY
Time: 1999-08-21 12:26:53
Comments: Just throwing in my 2 cents on the ongoing debate concerning single edits on compilations. Regularreaders of this board seem unanimous in their wish for collections state the stereo/mono content on thepackaging. I would also like single edits to be identified. While several single edits are unique and arehard to duplicate (Steppenwolfs Magic Carpet Ride and BSTs Spinning Wheel come to mind),others seem to destroy the flow of the song (The Whos Wont Get Fooled Again, CreamsWhite Room). The Who have several compilations which contain WGFA, and they identify whetherthe single edit or full length version was used on the package. While some full length versions areredundant (Tommy James Crimson and Clover) , placing the single edit of Iron ButterflysIn-A-Gadda-Da-Vida on a collection seems worthless. It may be a cheesy psychedelic relic, but thesheer LENGTH of the damn thing is its main selling point.
Name: ChristopherKissel
From: Long Island, NY
Time: 1999-08-21 15:29:43
Comments: Don't bother buying the Martha Reeves & The Vandellas "Millennium Collection" to get "Jimmy Mack" instereo... it is the re-recording! It is a 3 track, not a 2 track and doesn't even match the tempo of the hitrelease. Maybe someday we'll see this song in stereo but today isn't the day!
Name: Lex Bloom
From: Boston
Time: 1999-08-21 20:11:42
Comments: Friends and fellow stereologists, try this one. After another hard work week complete with the wear andtear, I was driving home, and while surfing through the radio stations for something good to listen to, Icame across an FM station gracing the airwaves with Stevie Wonder's "Fingertips" in TRUE STEREO!!! THE ENTIRE SONG UNEDITED!!! FANTASTIC SOUND!!! I tried to contact the station that played it, but no answer. Okay folks, somebody out there's got it, or atleast knows where it is. Mr. Callahan? Mr. Natchez? Jesus? beetlefan? Something/Anything?
Name: David R.Modny
Time: 1999-08-21 23:03:33
Comments: Hi group - I need some advice. Where is the best CD source for the overdubbed, Ernie Freeman scored,stereo version of "Five O' Clock World" ( not the new twin-track mix ). I'd like to get in in the best qualitypossible, hopefully from something still in print?? Any better source than the "Good Morning Vietnam"CD, which I haven't personally heard...but have been told is not the greatest quality. ???? TIA - Dave.
Name: David Clark
From: Ottawa
Time: 1999-08-22 09:04:42
Comments: to Lex Bloom. That IS interesting. "Fingertips" Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 ONLY up to the point where the songkinda finishes and Stevie starts to play harmonica and a band member asks (twice) "what key?", was outon vinyl in the 70s on the Cooley High LP soundtrack on Motown. I'd be interested to know if the songyou heard DID go thru to the end in true stereo. If so, we've got something new to look for!
Name: SteveBaird
Time: 1999-08-22 12:16:20
Comments: Does anybody out there know anything about the AEI label? I was just browsing through CDNow, andstumbled accross this label while doing a Santo & Johnny search. I saw a rather high priced result fromAEI called *The Best of the Rest* which sounded interesting. So, thanks to CDNow's superior searchengine, I click on the link to the label at the bottom of the listing, and lo and behold, here were scads ofoldies CDs listed! Then I checked the content of the CDs randomly, and found them to contain MANYMANY MANY oldies songs that I have never seen available anywhere else! They are expensive, but, infairnaess, the average CD had about 30 tracks on it. Does anyone have any experience with this label?Are the tracks original or remakes? One of them boasted a copy of the Ramrods' "Ghost Riders in theSky" in Stereo, so I am suspicious of this. Any comments?
Name: beetlefan
Time: 1999-08-22 14:05:47
Comments: Motown is starting a new series that concentrates on rareities and unreleased. Maybe this Little StevieWonder track will show up. They're also putting out a Temptations compilation with a new stereo mix of"Ain't Too Proud To Beg" with the strings mixed up. The hit single stereo and mono mixes have themmixed down. I got this info from the new issue of ICE. I don't remember what else it said because theissue is not with me at the moment.
Name: JoeReynolds
From: Los Angeles
Time: 1999-08-22 17:21:58
Comments: Just a word of warning regarding the new James Brown "Millenium" CD - 100% mono, even the stufffound elsewhere in stereo, and only average sound. If you already own these tracks (only 11 of them),don't waste your money. Nice picture of JB on the cover, though.
Name: beetlefan
Time: 1999-08-22 19:04:09
Comments: These Milennium CD's were made for the casual listener who may just want a few of an artist's big hits. They're also a product designed to bring in more money. The stereo collector is not their intendedtarget. So, relax, and skip them if you must.
Name: GroovinGarrett
From: Michigan
Time: 1999-08-22 22:31:27
Comments: I have the complete version of "Fingertips" complete in true stereo. It appears on a 12-CD collection Ihelped put together a few years back called "Michigan Music". It was mastered from vinyl, but it is a veryclean source and the song is completely in true stereo, like many of the songs on the set (many VERYrare to find in true stereo, i.e. "(Just Like) Romeo and Juliet" by the Reflections, two years before Varese"found" the "multi-track". This had been mixed to stereo since its release in 1966!) Questions, E-mail me.
Name: Don Duffey
From: Buffalo
Time: 1999-08-22 22:57:04
Comments: To Charlie,I have 5 of the Mr.Maestro CDs here are some of the highlights of each...Mr.Maestro..1003"To A Soldier Boy"*Tassles & "Each Night"*Rochelle & Candles are stereo,though the Tassles tune is areal bizzare mix,vocals & inst.are left/center with lots of echo right.then the spoken bridge (by thesoldier)comes in far right.I thought the engineer just panned over to make it sound stero but you can stillhear surface(or tape)noise on the left channelMr.M..1004 has"Nag*Halos/"Because Of You*TheDreamers/"Smoke Gets In Your Eyes*Richard Barrett/"I've Had It*Bell-Notes/"All That Glitters Isn'tGold*Lou Christie/"Smokey Places*Corsairs/"Morse Code Of Love*Capris/"MisterLonely*Videls/"Barbara*Temptations are all stereo..MrM.1005 Has.."Memories*Decoys/"I'm In LoveAgain*Little Richard/"Sugaree*Hank Ballard/"Be My Boy"*Paris Sisters/"Nobody But You"*DeeClark/"Teardrop"*Santo & Johnny/"Boom Boom"*John Lee Hooker are stereo...MrM..1006 has"You GotWhat It Takes"*Marv Johnson/"Sixteen Reasons"*Connie Stevens are stereoMr.M..1007 Has "Souvenirs Of Summertime"*Rays/"This Is My Story"*Turbans/"You Talk TooMuch"*Frankie Ford/"Adios"*Five Discs are stereoI also just picked up "Vintage Instrumentals" Vol.6 on Stardust lots of stereo here incl...Hawaiian WarChant/B.Vaughn...(Theme)My Three Sons/Bob Moore...White Rose Of Athens/David Carroll..Taste OfHoney/Martin Denny..Comin'In The Back Door/Baja Marimba Band...Hungry For Love/San Reno GoldenStrings...Phoenix Love Theme/Brass Ring...I Was Kaiser Bill's Batman/Whistlin'Jack Smith...SoulCoaxing/Raymond LeFevre......the rest are common stereo last shot..Whats the differencebetween buying "Gray Area"CDs and used records?no royalties are paid on "used records",most"Gray"CDs are made from records,and no where on those old vinyl discs from the 50'& 60's does it sayits illegal to reproduce them.
Name: AlexShkoditch
From: Long Island, NY
Time: 1999-08-23 15:22:09
Comments: Just heard what I believe is the "recently discovered", or is that "rarely heard", stereo mix of "Thank You(Falletenme Be Mice Elf Again)" on a cheap radio in the office (hence the reason for saying "I believe").The horn section seems to be substantially different from the mono mix. A "trilling trumpet" is heardmixed way to the front compared to the single. In other places the horn section plays licks that I've neverheard at all. This could be the combination of a different balance in the mixing of the horn section andfaders being brought up at different points during mixdown. I think, however, that the entire horn track isdifferent from the single. Can anyone who has both give me clearer picture? Can it be that the hornswere overdubbed on to a mono mixdown master (ala the Shakespeare broadcast on "I Am the Walrus),resulting in the "true stereo" version only appearing on the Quadraphonic "Greatest Hits" with are-recorded horn track?
Name: beetlefan
Time: 1999-08-23 16:34:21
Comments: Knowing Sylvester Stewart (Sly), those different horns are probably part of the original multitrackrecording. I recall, in the liner notes for the Rock Artifacts, Vol. 1 (?), Bob Irwin said that they found allsorts of things on the "Hot Fun In The Summertime" multi-tracks when they did a stereo mix of it. Anyway, I think the version you're referring to is on copy Time-Life's "Sounds Of The Seventies, 1970",remastered by your buddy, Bill Inglot(no offense, Bill).And, Legacy, where is that damned Sly & The Family Stone box with all of those cool new stereo mixes? Did Allen Klein get control of their material too?
Name: Kengarland
From: Los angeles
Time: 1999-08-23 19:22:27
Comments: Groovin Garrett, i have vol 1 i got it directly from Tom Ryan. Could you post or point me to thediscography for the collection?One song i got from Tom on casette was Casonova Brown by the YoungSisters. I wonder if it was on any of the Cd's? Thanks for any input you can provide. I'm not sure if theAnimals WE Gotta Get Out of This Place on The Complete Animals is the version you want or not.
Name: MikeArcidiacono
From: USA
Time: 1999-08-23 20:30:57
Comments: Re: Sony Music and Clark EnslinRemember a few years ago, when producer Clark Enslin found all those lost tapes from ColumbiaRecords in a storage room in Nashville? Has anybody heard anything since? I'd be curious to knowwhat, if anything , has been released from those tapes. Anybody see anything on the 'net?Mikey
Name: Chris Nagel
Time: 1999-08-23 20:36:49
Comments: To Curt Lundgren: I think the new Buddha (BMG has corrected the spelling) Peter Gunn CD soundsterrible. It has hissy sound, droupouts galore, early fades at the end of the songs. If you compare thesongs that are on the Martini's with Mancini comp CD and the Mancini box set (both handled by theexcellent re-issue producer, Paul Williams) and you'll find the latter two CDs sound much better. I havenoticed, howver, that the Buddha big band reissues are being re-mastered by Steve Hoffman and thesesound much better.
Name: Randy Price
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: New York
Time: 1999-08-24 12:28:04
Comments: Once again: The U.S. single version of "We Gotta Get Out Of This Place" is not on *any* legit CD, and isnot likely to ever be, since it's EMI's contention that that version was sent over to MGM in error back in'65. The "correct" version is the only one that's been available from EMI (or Abkco) since the '70s.
Name: John LoConte
Referred by: Net Search
From: Everett, MA
Time: 1999-08-24 15:45:29
Comments: Looking for records or cd by Nicola Paone who once recorded with Cadence records with the ArchieBlyer OrchestraI have an album number of CLP-3001Anyone have any info on where I can purchase??Thanks
Name: Ralph Curcio
From: N.J.
Time: 1999-08-25 14:15:04
Comments: John, For Nicola Paone, you might try Serendipity Records, 4775 Durham Road, Route 77, Guilford, CT06437, (203) 457-1039. A few years ago, they had out a list of Cadence Records containing Paone'ssingle "La Caffettera (the Coffee Pot"/"Pretty Lady" on Cadence 1363. The records supposedly werefrom Archie Bleyer's estate (had had owned Cadence) and were unplayed and stocked in some quantity.Hope this helps.
From: Austin, TX
Time: 1999-08-25 15:41:02
Comments: "Batman Theme" by the Marketts in <---- STEREO ----> on "Surf n' Drag & other California AcitonSound"is (or was) on Warner/Pioneer WPCP-3539. Great songs and not common ones either!
1. The Lonely Surfer (S) - Jack Nitzche
2. Summer Night - Jack Nitzche
3. Rumble - Jack Nitzche
4. The Last Race - Jack Nitzche (WOW and I mean WOW! w/sound effects)
5. Competition Coupe - The Timers
6. Forbidden City - Jack Buck & His Blazers
7. Let's Go (Pony) (S) - The Routers
8. Sting Ray (S) - The Routers
9. Telster (S) - The Routers
10. Pipeline (S) - The Routers
11. Ski Surfin (S) - The Avalanches
12. Avalanche (S) - The Avalanches
13. Out of Limits - The Marketts
14. Woody Wagon (S) - The Marketts
15. Batman Theme (S) - The Marketts
16. Drums A-Go-Go (S) - Mel Taylor (!)
17. Bullseye (S) - Mel Taylor
18. Bang Bang Rhythm - Mel Taylor
19. Walkin' - Jerry McGee & The Cajuns (!)
20. This Guitar Was Made for Twangin' - Duane Eddy (!)
21. Daydream - Duane Eddy
Good sound, pleasant stereo, strong mono.
Time: 1999-08-25 18:14:08
Comments: A couple of years ago I heard T-Rex's BANG A GONG on the radio with a cold ending. The DJ said itwasn't commercially available. Does anybody know anything about it?
Name: JohnPreston
From: Arlington, Texas
Time: 1999-08-26 02:11:23
Comments: Hi everyone. Just a couple of notes. I bought the Sundazed cd "LOOK AT US" by Sonny and Cher,knowing it was all mono, because it contained the "I Got You Babe" B-side "It's Gonna Rain", which Ihave always loved. Well guess what? It's not the same as the single version! It's shorter and moresterile, without what sounds like overdubs on the 45 version. It makes me sick! What better track to useon the cd as a bonus than the single, 45 version! I guess I'll have to find a mint 45 and put it on cd formyself; just as soon as I learn how. By the way, if anyone is wondering about that "Lost Hits of theSixties" offered by Collector's Choice, it's the same one that Sound Exchange put out, right before theywent belly-up. Same songs, same sonics, same versions. Like the mono "Next Plane to London", stereoremake of "Master Jack", and lots of mono that should be stereo. And how did they come up with "losthits"? Almost all of the 40 tracks are readily available. It does have stereo "Alice's Rock and RollRestaurant" by Arlo Guthrie and "Long Lonesome Highway" by Michael Parks, however.
Name: KenGarland
From: Los Angeles
Time: 1999-08-26 13:28:07
Comments: Can we get an update on the FAQ for the 3rd edition and the next issue of the news letter? If the FAQ isto be of much use it needs an occasional update. Early 1999 for the book does not seem relevant. Mikementioned a while back that he intended to finishes off the CD's not reviewed, but listed in the 2ndedition, such as TIME-Life rock and roll era, i hope that is still in the works.
From: HOTCHA-Hot Ca ... (mid 80s, breezy = our sizzlin summer heat here inparadise-by-the-sea, SDO county !!)
Time: 1999-08-26 16:07:30
Comments: Howdy, kids. "Which Way You Goin' Billy" details are in notes to W.A.R. Poppy Family ri CD, which ,alas, has just the one stereo version. Notes relate some of the recording circumstances via Terry Jacks& how they had to bounce/overdub due to primitive recording equipment there in B.C. This cd has 2versions of "That's Where I Went Wrong" & details about their creation (one was "superior" w/ Nashvilleguitar parts....). Too bad the groovy Susan Jacks pics are all tiny & B&W !
Ray Price's "BurningMemories" is stereo, 2:28 on a olde CBS Special Products 2 CD set "The Original Hits" that I wish Iwoulda grabbed several copies of when I found it at $5 ! (It has numerous other R.P. hits in stereo thatare mono on other domestic cds. I am sure that Bear has the best sound in their mega-buckset(s).
Is the remastered by Bob Irwin Johnny Cash Col. box set that one that has been reissued inthe "mini"-box format (like the "Bootleg Series", "Pandora's Box", etc.) ??? Have any of the others beenre-reissued ? Marty Robbins?? I understand that the one Irwin & Vic Anesesi (sp?) had a hand in aretop-notch...lots of stereo.....George Jones (have....xlnt), Charlie Rich, etc.
"LOUIE LOUIE" &"ANGEL BABY" >>STEREO<< ?!?!?!?! Must be "sync-ups".. .. For one thing, "Angel Baby" wasrecorded in ultra primitive conditions, in an airplane hanger/quonset hut in Alpine, Ca. "Louie.." was ademo made for a cruise ship job-bid !!!
Any other sources for complete, stereo, unedited"Fingertips"??
So that's why I always thought "Start Movin'" 45 on Epic sounded so much crisper ---"30 i.p.s."!!
"..Early stereo Lloyd Price on Specialty.." ?!?!?! You must mean ABC, Steve B. ........?!!?
Crimson (UK) reissue label has been OK for the titles I've heard... they are , if I recallcorrectly, an off-shoot of Castle.....
Now, does anyone have any comments/warnings/tips on any ofthese other reissue labels ???:
Essential, Flash, Telesonic ("Magic Collection"), Newsound, SoulSupply ("Cream of Soul", "Vintage Soul"), Hubbub, Block Buster ("Oldies Best"...Euro-grammer goofsususually=poor sound...?!?!), Hallmark, Time (5000 series... probably not U.S. Time Life...), Wise. A"Wise" move , I guess, would to be steer clear of stuff you can't return if it turns out to be CRAP---"re-sung", live, off scratchy, fake stereo records, etc. !! Interestingly enough some of the labels havegood mixed in with the very bad, "Sun Gods" on Dressed to Kill 66 (UK) is a nice "not-your-usual" Suncompilation. Avoid like the plague: Fat Boy, most Disky compilations, many (not all) Charly 1000series......!!!
Quite a few "known" labels have cds I wondered about....anyone have any "tips" onthese ?: .......... One Way (Barbarians, Barry Mcguire, Charlatans, McCoys, Jan & Dean , Ventures,Super Stocks last 3 have "2 fers", etc.), Sun 4016 - Carl Perkins, Sun 662050 Roy Orbison, Sun662064 Billy Riley, Chess 3032 "...Rarities '47-'66", Chess 3039 "..R&B '49-'69", Castle 306: Pat Boone- rerecordings?? Thanks in advance for any info.! (E-Mail me !) Brian.
Website: Yeah, right
From: 3rd rock
Time: 1999-08-27 18:17:55
Comments: OK, so it's me twice in a row..... I guess everyone else is off on weekends/trip to the track/TGIF ??Anyway, you POPPY FAMILY freaks oughta get the cd "A Good Thing Lost, 1968-73" by The PoppyFamily, with Susan & Terry Jacks (March/W.A.R. 60017), I got mine for less than ten bucks.... It has"Which Way You Goin' Billy" Stereo, 3:23, F. And thw two versions of "That's Where I Went Wrong" ,Stereo, 2:32, C and Mono, 2:33, C. Latter is U.S. version (re-mixed with Wayne Moss Nashville guitaradded to original London-recorded version). Former, Stereo version w/o added guitar is version issuedeverywhere else.
Is ANDREA TRUE CONNECTION "Greatest Hits" on Buddah 7112 the one thathas Tom Moulton's never-before-used "closet tapes"/masters ????
Gads, how do i redeem myself& talk about some REAL music...hmmm....Lesse, I'm trying to get a decent JIM REEVES cd, for prettydirt cheap I can grab either a Castle 114 (UK) "Best", OR BMG 44684(UK?) "Best of", OR BMG 17 &42116 "Greatest Hits 1 & 2", OR Essential 266 "Essential Collection" (2 cd), or ____________? Anyideas ??? As most of us know, it's "ya pays your money, ya takes your chance" ....... EDDY ARNOLD"Last of the Love Song Singers" is OK, until you get to 2nd cd of 2 cd set where he does his "'90'sthing" stuff/re-makes. I think that some of the 1st cd is re-makes as well, come to think of it, asthere are some stereo cuts ala old RCA "best of" LP..... RAY PRICE "the Original Hits" (Teledisc/Col.Spec. Prod. 21348/9 has 30 cuts. 1st cd has '50s stuff, 4 in stereo, cd 2 has '60s '70s stuff, all stereo. Some of the stuff is mono only on other reissues,but stereo here, "City Lights", "Heart Over Mind". Ofcourse, Bear Family has top-notch (& top $) reissues on all the above, but it's tough to shellout for 56 cdbox when all you want is 2 or so cds.....
Anyone that has any info. on any web-based resources /references / reviews of reissue cds(especially any of the "import" labels listed in my last post-it note,below), let me know, while I anxiously await the new "Blue Book", "Oldies on CD"!!!!! BYE !
Name: PaulBigelow
From: Austin, TX
Time: 1999-08-27 23:13:10
Comments: Hello Everyone!
I left something out on my post of the "Surf n' Drag" CD. The two Duane Eddy tracks
are in <----- STEREO -----> !!!!!!!
Name: JohnPreston
From: Arlington, Texas
Time: 1999-08-28 01:56:21
Comments: Bad news on the Bear Family front! I e-mailed them about future box sets of Brenda Lee, Pat Boone,and Marty Robbins. They e-mailed me right back with the sad news that no new releases are planned.Shoot! I was so looking forward to them. I really need Marty's "I Told the Brook". I'm wondering if I'll livelong enough to hear it in stereo. By the way, Boppin' Brian, do you know where I could find the singleversion of "Danny Boy" by Ray Price? I bought the only domestic cd with the song on it and it was arerecorded, shorter version. The hit version is nearly 5:00 minutes long. Also, does anyone know when"Wine, Wine, Wine" by the Nitecaps peaked? I need to put it in chronological order, but it never charted.It came out in 1960, but I don't know the month it reached it's peak. I am planning on putting all the Top60 hits on cd's in chronological order (25 songs per disc) from 1956 to 1973, or so. Of course, it maytake ten years to do it, but what else will I be doing in my old age?
Name: beetlefan
Time: 1999-08-28 03:04:50
Comments: Brian,Tom Moulton e-mailed me back and said that the masters he used were the mixdown tapes he had inhis posession all this time. He says that no one had ever asked him for them. The singles masters arevery hissy and sound compressed. Curious thing, other CD compilations that have the single versionsof MORE MORE MORE and N.Y., YOU'VE GOT ME DANCING sound better. The 12" version ofWHAT'S YOUR NAME, WHAT'S YOUR NUMBER was taken from a cassette tape dub that producerGregg Diamond had. The master tape is "lost".But it's a fun CD and I like it. Still, it's amazing what Tom can do. Buy it!Cheers, beetlefan
Name: JoeFornarotto
From: New Jersey
Time: 1999-08-29 11:23:26
Comments: To Allen End and anyone else interested in the version of T Rex's Get It On with the cold ending-Itsavailable on the CD Marc Bolan & T-Rex Electric Warrior Sessions its on Purple Pyramid CDCLP-0024-2 it came out in 1997 and I've still seen it in stores since I've picked mine up about a yearago. Hope that helps you out---JF
From: Dallas
Time: 1999-08-30 04:56:50
Comments: Ken, I couldn't agree with you more. We definitely need more timely updates on both. The 3rd Edition isprobably the most important and eagerly awaited project going on at BSN right now. Also, knowingwhen the next newsletter is coming out helps me plan my CD "shopping rampages". I have no idea howmuch effort and time it takes to update a website, however, I do know how easy and fast it is to post asimple 4 or 5 line message on this very useful board Mike has created for us. So Mike, use The Board--- we would be forever grateful. Btw, what letter of the alphabet are you up to now (for the 3rdEd.)?Ken, based on the last several newsletters, it is MY, UNOFFICIAL estimation that Issue #52 will beout during the 1st or 2nd week of September.
[Okay, okay. I'll try to get the FAQ pageupdated. Issue #52 is going to the printer this week, butI will be out of town until Sept. 9, so the newslettershould be mailed Sept. 9-10.
As to the 3rd Edition, it looks like it won't be doneuntil after the first of the year. We are working on it more orless constantly, but it is a big job. This edition looks like it will be twice the size of the last, even with smaller print.I'd like to have had it done a long time ago, believe me, but I don't wantto put out a slipshod product. I hope it will beworth the wait. -- MC]
Name: MikeArcidiacono
Time: 1999-08-30 10:50:17
Comments: Does anybody out there in BSN land know where I might finda source for "After Tomorrow" by The Wackers? Its a Beatlerip off, circa 1964 from England. The only thing I have is them doing it on a Rhino video called "Go GoBig Beat", but the audio on the film dub is terrible. If you know of any LP or Cd with this track on it,please email me!!Thanks in advance.Mikey
Name: BarryCashion
From: Mooresville, NC
Time: 1999-08-30 16:08:10
Comments: Can anyone comment on those Japanese CD reissues of the Association's original LPs from WarnerBros.? I would really love to have at least a couple of them; from what I've read, these were done theway CD reissues of LPs really SHOULD be done--the entire original album in stereo plus the mono 45mixes of the hits as bonus cuts. I managed to find a copy of that Japanese "The Association--From TheOriginal Master Tapes" CD in Best Buy for around $20, and it's quite good--everything that's on the USGreatest Hits and more, and better sound to boot. I imagine these LP reissues are up to that standardalso, but I just can't quite bring myself to fork over at least $30 apiece for them (I believe I actually sawthem listed in a Collectors' Choice catalog for $39.95!). I know that's par for the course with Japaneseimports though... I don't suppose there's much of a chance that they'll ever be released here in the US;WEA probably wouldn't see them as being profitable enough (sigh)...
Name: DaveDaugherty
From: Dublin, Ohio
Time: 1999-08-30 16:31:49
Comments: For Barry Cashion; I have all of the Japanese re-issue Association CD's, and overall, I would rate themas very good. The sound quality on everything from "Insight Out" is very good, and gets better with eachsubsequent album. I suppose that's because recording technology got better with each album, plus theywere working with bigger budgets as time went on. The first two albums ("And Then Along Comes" and"Renaissance")are good as well, but please be aware that a significant amount of hiss reduction wasapplied to them. It's not bad, but it did leave them a little "dry" sounding without a lot of ambiance. Frankly, I thought the first albums tracks sounded better on the CD from several years ago called "TheSongs That Made Them Famous" on Pair Records. It had a bit more hiss, but it sounded more like theactual Valient albums. I have all those albums in excellent condition, and they sound GREAT!The onlyother note I would make is that the "Live" CD has been edited in a couple of places to get it to fit on oneCD. Anyway, in my mind, these are core collection CD's if you're an Association fan. Jim Yester, one ofthe original members of the band was raving about them on an Association web site last week.
From: Austin, TX
Time: 1999-08-30 16:43:47
Comments: Is the new Artanis release Sinatra '57 in STEREO? The "Summit" CD on Artanisis labeled as stereophonic, the "Sinatra '57" is not labeled as such. Is this theperformace the same as the STEREO CD issued on Jazz Hour a few years ago?
Name: Martin G. (Marty)Blaise
Website: The Blaise Page
From: Houston, Texas USA
Time: 1999-08-30 17:06:16
Comments: A couple of things: I came across an old compilation LP that had a song called Son of My Father byGiorgio.When I heard the first couple of lines, I realized I had been looking for this recording since 1971!Guess it only took me a few years to find it. And it is in stereo on the LP I found it on, although it's not as wide as it could be. Did this song chart on the top 100? I did not see it in the top 40 book.Is this the same as Giorgio Moroder? Second, I recently had to change vehicles and the old car hada cassette tape player, the one I changed to a CD player. Looks like I may have to have invest ina CDR. Should I wait until Christmas and get a better deal? Maybe the price will be lower? Tradesome old eight track tapes for one? By the way, don't neglect those old K-tel and radio station compilation LPs. Some of those tracks are not always top 10 hits and every once in awhile you will find something good instereo.
Name: beetlefan
Time: 1999-08-30 21:21:26
Comments: MARTIN G. (Marty) BLAISE,First, Giorgio is THE late Giorgio Moroder, of Donna Summer production fame. Second, you can find that track, "Son Of My Father" in stereo on Rhino's "Have A Nice Day", Super Hitsof the 70's, Volume 7 CD. It charted in April, 1972 in the U.S.. I don't have my Billboard Top Pop Annualhere at the moment, so I can't tell you how high it got. A band called Chickory, also did this song.Third, you COULD wait until the holidays but you probably will miss out on the fun now, and you may notget a good one on sale. In other words, don't get a Memorex, Phillips, or Mitsumi. I assume you mean aPC based unit. It's the only way to go if you want quality, versatility, and to save money. You can also doanything you want to your recordings. If you buy a standalone consumer unit, you'll be sorry. If you'renot PC literate, get PC literate! You can save all your stereo LP's and 45's that aren't on CD yet. I'vedone literaly hundreds! You can even re-create those lost edited versions. I've done dozens.And last, I have saved my old K-tel, Ronco, and Adam VII LP's from the 70's. That's how I got "FunkyWorm" by the Ohio Players. My tracking down the CD with it on it has been fruitless.Sorry for the long post.
Name: beetlefan
Time: 1999-08-30 21:43:20
Comments: BTW, this is not directed towards anyone here, but some of you guys slam and avoid Rhino. I'll bet theyhave a lot of what you guys have been looking for, but you don't know because you guys hate Bill Inglotand mono so much you don't even bother to look. That Giorgio song has been avialable in stereo forabout eight years.Also, it's a shame more women don't get this serious about music. Most women I know couldn't careless about sound. And the wonder is that much of the music of yesterday and today, and most of themusic industry nowadays caters to women. Just athought...
Name: BradleyOlson
Website: Bradley Olson--APerson With Autism
From: Bemidji, Minnesota
Time: 1999-08-30 22:39:03
Comments: Beetle, I have just looked up information on what Giorgio Moroder has been doing lately. He is mainlydoing computer graphic designing now according to some web research. Neither source that I havefound on him has mentioned that he died yet. Where did you find out that he died (if hedid)?
Name: beetlefan
Time: 1999-08-30 23:09:30
Comments: I could have sworn that I read where he died of cancer. Either I'm mistaken or my source waswrong.
Name: Chris Nagel
From: The rust belt
Time: 1999-08-31 00:29:47
Comments: Beetlefan: What's wrong with owning a stand-alone "consumer" CD recorder? I've been using mine totransfer Lps and singles and with an equalizer, they sound fine to me. (I also have a CD-R on mycomputer, too but I use that one to copy CDs). My computer doesn't have any sound input capabilites, sothis was the most economical way for me togo.
Name: beetlefan36
Time: 1999-08-31 02:54:25
Comments: Well Chris, first, I'm glad you, too, are are a DIYer.Now, the benefits of using a computer based CD-R system is:1.) You can use cheaper, computer grade blanks.2.) The CD-R's that you make are Red-book standard if you use the Disc-at-Once method. This meansthat you can use your disc for replicating, insures that all CD players can read the disc, and eliminatesthe two-second gap between songs. This is important bacause in the DAO method the laser does notturn on and off, and that means no errors at the transition point between songs. 3.) You can use software to tweak your music to get EXACTLY what you want. You can customizelevels, do presision editing (try editing single notes with a stand alone unit), test your layout before youburn your disc, clean up noise, turntable rumble, surface noise, clicks, pops, crackle, scratches, repairskips, remove hum and buzzes, enhance sound, insert track markers wherever you wish, whenever youwish, correct for errors or glitches in your sound source, undo, compress, restore dynamic range,...4.) Lower block error rates.Get a good soundcard, get some software, and make better CD's.Oh yeah, it's cheaper!
Name: BobGreer
From: Vegas
Time: 1999-08-31 14:39:48
Comments: What ever happened to that new stereo Stones release? What atease.
Name: Roger Round
From: Vancouver, Canada
Time: 1999-08-31 23:32:10
Comments: Yeah I was also looking forward to The Rolling Stones on "London", seems like the Stones & the Beatles, two of the biggest R 'N R bands in history don't care much for their fans anymore. Sad really. I read this board dailyand am amazedat the help I've received from the people here that are willing to give their time and resources to fellowcollectors ofStereo cuts etc. Great job. It amazes me that some things aren't available in Canada as much as theyare readily available in the U.S. I do alot of mail ordering to the States and it gets rather expensive but a guy just have tohave it. Keep up the good work everybody and thanx for all thehelp.
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